Thursday, October 29, 2009
So if you are like me and struggle with buying Christmas and birthday presents, do not stress I have your brother and dad sorted this Christmas!
Back in June, a number of bloggers (including myself) shared some really personal stories about what it means to be a man for the Inspire Foundation's Man Week. There were a number of amazing heart felt stories, at the time it felt like something really big.
The super smart Gavin Heaton and Mark Pollard took the idea to the next level, they helped to get the story beyond the blogosphere bubble by creating a book ‘The Perfect Gift for a Man’ which was a collection of stories about being a man. Below is Gavin helping to get the story out on KAK.
If you would like to purchase a hard copy of the book you can buy it from or you can buy the e-Book from The Perfect Gift for a Man website. The profits will all go to The Inspire Foundation, so dig deep!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Hotel along with other businesses donate gifts for the grown ups as well. This year Parents are encouraged to register for these prizes and gifts for the entire family.
The Comfort Inn and Suites hotel is one of the premier Rochelle Illinois hotels. Reservations for the hotel can be made directly at 815-562-5551.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Yves Klein Blue are an indie/rock band who in June were about to release a new album Ragged and Ecstatic. With the release of the new album it was hoped that it would become a Top 40 selling album.
To captalise on the growing success YKB were having with Twitter we decided to leverage one of the recent innovations through Twitter which was a Twitter application which allowed someone to download an mp3 when they tweeted a unique code for, this had been used by TRVS-DJAM weeks earlier.
We proposed that Yves Klein Blue would allow people to download one of their songs and go in the running for VIP tickets to Splendour in the Grass if they tweeted a specific code.
We used Culture Jam who built the original TRVS-DJAM application to build the site/app for us. For launch, we went out to Yves Klein Blue existing social network and communicated the offer.
TRV$DJAM Twitter Promotion Screencast from Culture Jam on Vimeo.
We then went out to a number of influential music tweeters/bloggers and made them aware of the offer.
We were hoping for 1,200 downloads of the song (estimated that of their current social network that 15% would tweet the offer and they would influence one person in their twitter following to do the same).
We ended up falling significantly short of this target with only 432 downloads of the track.
The silver lining was that we were able to double the size of YKB Twitter following in two weeks, they went from followers 487 to 1,017 in three weeks. It took 5 months to get their first 487 followers.
I really think that you learn more from the campaigns that do not match your expectations than the ones that do.
Size of Twitter in Australia
Twitter is really really small in Australia. Twitter has 250,000 active Australian users. That is nothing! That is 3.5% of the size of Facebook. When you are trying to find a niche of fans, it probably would have been better to not make it even harder for ourselves by launching on a niche platform.
Locking in influentials
Locking in relevant influential Tweeters (music+following) prior to
launch is essential
Easier site navigation
We got 1,700 visitors to the site and only 432 followers. The drop between visitors and downloaders indicates that the bulk of users did not have twitter accounts or couldn’t be bothered to follow the steps
Mix of earned and paid media
We can’t rely on publicity to drive traffic to an application, since doing this venture with YKB we realized that it requires a mix of earned and paid media for an idea to kick off in the social media environment.
Comparing the Australian and US audiences
Be cautious when making comparisons between the US and Australia. Travis Barker and DJ-AM at the time had a substantial following, YKB did not.
Labels: Case Study
Our room (#309) was very clean and everything we needed was there for us. We ate dinner at the restaurant and were impressed by the quality of the food and drinks, but especially, once again, by the wait staff. The next morning, breakfast was good- and even though we ate later in the morning, nothing was unavailable than had been there when I went down for coffee earlier. When I checked out, the woman at the desk was very nice and was sincere when she asked about how our stay was, was there anything they could improve upon, etc. Oh- and the Halloween decorations really gave the facility a welcoming and fun atmosphere! Overall, we were more than satisfied with our stay and felt we really got our money's worth.
Thank you for taking extra care in the way you run your business and in hiring just the right people for the job. It is obvious that you take great pride in what you do. What began as a routine stay for us turned out to be a very pleasant surprise!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Want to see the most sexiest body art in a girls and woman's body? Here the most world sexiest body art of girls. Perfect body as a canvas and body artists touch make it more appealing and hot- the hot body art.
Read more »
Labels: Biomecânico, Cake, Carpas, Centauro, Cerejeira, Comics, Fadas, Foto-Realista, Gato, Pantera Cor de Rosa, Preto e Cinza, Tatuadores(as), videos
Labels: Kawasaki
Labels: Suzuki
Labels: Yamaha
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A digital music mystery: Australian Idol Fan to Follower anomaly, Do you know the answer?
0 comments Posted by eightq at 4:39 PMWhat is the difference between a Facebook Fan and a Twitter follower?
I have been doing a bit of research into Australian music artists and their number of fans online. My hypothesis was the more album you sold, the more fans you would have on Myspace, Twitter and Facebook.
My white paper that I will release soon, finds benchmarks for ARIA charting artist. I have found the average number of Facebook fans, Myspace friends and Twitter followers of an artist should increase depending on what level of sales they got to on the ARIA chart (Gold, Platinium or 2x Platinium).
But I noticed one really interesting pattern, ex-Australian Idol contestants index really low on Facebook Fans but then really high on Twitter Followers? For instance, a Gold (35,000+ album/single sales) selling artist the average number of Facebook Fans is 14,000 (e.g Karnivool, Bliss N Eso and Pnau all have between 10-15k for fans). However Australian Idol contestants Wes Carr and Ricki-Lee have a very low number of fans (2000 and 1,700 fans respectively). However when you look at Twitter followers the average is 1,300 followers but Wes and Ricki-Lee have triple that number with 3900 and 3800 respectively?!?!
So why is it that Australian Idol contestants index so low on Facebook fans yet so high on Twitter followers?
I have got no idea, I would be really keen to hear your theory on why this phenomena is occurring. Free Guy Sebastian album for the person who comes up with the right answer!
Peniche > Portugal
October 19 – October 30 2009
Marlon Lipke (DEU), 25, 2009 ASP World Tour rookie and current ASP World No. 44, scored a major victory today, defeating fellow rookie Michel Bourez (PYF), 23, utilizing an aggressive backhand approach to post the day’s highest heat total of a 14.66 out of a possible 20, and advance through to Round 2.
“I saw Michel (Bourez) free-surfing this morning and he surfed amazing,”
I thought to myself, I just have to get the better waves.
Lucky, I did manage to get them. It feels so good. I forgot how good it feels to get through a heat as I haven’t got through one all year!”
The local crowd is so supportive so it is great to get through here at home."
Massive Surf Destroys Primary Site
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Problemo: My Year Without Sex was a new Australian film, which was hard to market as it didn’t fit into one specific category. The trailer was not going to be enough to get people to watch it. Working on a small budget we needed to get people to talk about the film.
Strategy: Use word of mouth to help fuel discussion around the movie
Identifying Key Environments
We identified the target market as mothers. Using Google Ad Planner and a number of other tools we looked for the environments where mothers were most vocal online and three environments stood out; Facebook, Mothers Forums and Mother Blogs.
Part 1: Mothers Forums
We went out to a number of the major mothers forums and offered the Moderators of the sites free double passes to see the film. Forums host some of the liveliest discussions online.
Part 2: Blogs
We identified a number of influential female blogs that we thought would enjoy the film. These bloggers were found using the Top 100 Australian Women Bloggers list. From this list we got a number of high profile bloggers to go and see the movie. We also used the NuffNang to outreach to a further 20 bloggers.
Part 3: Facebook
There was an opportunity to get a number of people along to a pre screening for the film in each major cities. We used Facebook Advertising and a Facebook Event to set up an exclusive Facebook Pre Screening for 500 people. We also ran a Facebook Page which had further information about the movie.
Part 4: Youtube - Creating a piece of passable content
We decided to create a piece of content around the film which we believed could have mass appeal online. We created the ‘5 Things that get in the way of Sex’ video. We were able to get this video to the front page of Digg and then Youtube Honour Board with 25,000 views in one week. This ended up being the feature of a blog post in Sydney Morning Herald Ask Sam Blog.
In its opening week MYWS took $177,522 and has currently grossed $1,127,838 in box office sales.
Facebook Page
It is really hard for someone to become a fan of a product that they have no knowledge about. We did not see growth in the Page until after the release date which usually does not work with the timings/budgeting of films.
Facebook Advertising
This campaign ran from early April to May this year, this was before the upgrade to the Facebook advertising model. We were only able to manage to get 900 people into the Page for the movie, when we promoted Cedar Boys another Australian film we were able to get 2,000 easily into the Page. So this new upgrade has definitely made a difference.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Call the Comfort Inn and Suites a Rochelle Illinois hotel near the Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home in Dixon Illinois at 1-800-599-3010 and make your reservation today!
I fell to da ground, i could see blood coming from my nose and ahmed standing above me with the vase in his hand.
I looked up at Faisal- he punched shirley and said to ahmed, "well done bruv," then turned to shirley and said, "wheres all the money durty nigger- fuckin tell us or we'll give you a little taster of what we do to black bitches who get our dicks hard."
Shirley cried looking at me and den grandad, "theres one thousand in my chest of drawers- i was savin it to go back home with rupert," she burst into tears. faisal kicked her face and ran upstairs.
my head was throbbin and i was feelin light headed, i saw the gun nex to me- i tried to grab it but one of the guys stepped on my hand, took it and held it to my head, "dum bitch." my spirit could fell grandads love for me leavin- dis was all my fault- he was dead cos i had gotten involvd wiv dese animals.
Faisal ran down an said, "pick up da sket and put her in the car- darrens waitin for us."
"what about the gran'ma?", ahmed said. faisal looked at grandads body and den shirley,
"we'll leave her to fuck her dead man," he laughed. shirley vomited, faisal laughed, ahmed picked me up and put me over his back and pushed me into the back of the whip, "shirley," i called.
she crawled to grandads body and held him to her chest.
Faisal disconnected all the phones and said to her, "call da police and we'll come back and finish where i started." he kicked grandads body den ran into the car.
dere was two cars.
i was in the back wiv ahmed and i fink some guy called Mo and Faisal was in the passenger seat and some ova guy was drivin, in the car behind us were the ova man.
i was liteheaded- i could feel blood rushin from my head and down my back.
"you did a dumb fing nomi- tellin darren aboutme saying i ws gonna kill him." faisal said lookin back at me and den he turned to da guy drivin and said, "take the backroutes in case people see dis bitch bleding- we dont need a routine check cos i didnt take this route to be checked."
"so youre actually gonna pay darren a grand faisal?", ahmed asked puttin his hand on ma pussy, "hell fink your a pussy."
faisal said, "bruv- id rather look like a pussy on road dan a pussy in pen cos den all da guys in pen will fuck me- cos they like pussies- if he says shit about Jermaine or tripti were done for- Omara can only do so much."
grandad was dead and all i could fink of was his lifeless body in shirleys arms, i wanted to die and so i was happy as i felt my head gettin weak and my body gettin numb- dere was no point- grandad was all i had- and now he was dead cos of dese pricks. i could smell their dirt and it made me sick, God knew dat if i had a machete i would have sliced dese fuckers up- come like Sweeney Todd.
I knew wherewe was headin- we were headin souf and it was a suprise to me dat dese dum fuckers didnt seem to be shook.
dat prick darren had snitched- even tho i was tryin to help him and as i felt the numbness in my my head get stronger i said, "you man are gonna have to kill me."
"what did u say bitch?", faisal asked.
"If you man dont kill me- im going to find every single one of you and chop your fuckin balls off, you need to kill me rite nw cos if you dont ill find you and make all of you pay for what u did to my grandad."
dey all burst out laughin, "ahmed u knocked her head too hard man- shes fuckin lost it," Mo said.
Ahmed hit my head, i was satin between Mo and ahmed wiv my hair over my face and blood runnin down from my nose and head.
"you don't get it do you," i said, "you lot have killed de only person i had left- and so when if you dont kill me now- i'll get u," i turned to ahmed and said, "ill cut your tits off," then turned to mo and said, "i'll cut your black toes off," den i looked to da driver and said, " i dont know u," den i turned to faisal and said, "im gonna come 2 ur yard and fuck u up so bad ull die with ur mouth wide open and den ill fry sausages put dem in ur mouth and den stitch ur mouth closed."
Ahmed gave me one dirty box, "PORK IS FORBIDDEN."
I looked up and licked da blood from my lip, "thats rich coming from you fatty."
"dis bitch is pissin me off man!," mo said, "come we give her what shes askin for."
"we have to meet darren in half an hour," faisal said, "we'll deal wiv her whn we're done."
we got to some old garage, it was old and grey and deserted. the man behind us arrived as well. den darren walked over to the car, faisal rolled down the window.
"kl bruv," he said to darren. darren nodded at all of us and shook his head at me.
"you brought da sket?".
Faisal said, "we brought her as a peace offering,"
Darren shook his hand, "got about 20 man inside who wanna fuck dis hoe."
everyone laughed, "should be fun," faisal said.
"Come inside," darren said.
they all got out of the car, ahmed grabbed me and pulled me out. i was dragged by my hair into the garage.
it smelled of weed.
there were so many guys- about 50 guys jus watchin.
all of dem nodded at faisal and his boys. darren said, "we got some drinks- help yourselves innit," then he turned to the 50 guys and said, "dese man are gonna be our boys now innit- beef is squashed everyone introduceyourself."
the guys got up and started chattin to faisal and his man whilst darren looked at me and said, "you told me u didnt know where shawna went u fuckin liar- quebec innit- she told me u knew- shes comin back to me."
i said nuthin.
den he called faisal over.
"bruv- i dont even want the grand yahno- i wanted 2 c if i cld trust u," darren said, "i was never gonna snitch- why would I- Jermaine was an informer snitchin on my cousins- you did me a favour by duppying him, haha- faisal i like you man- dis is why its important us lot are cool- fink about it- tink how big we can be in a few years time- ive got all da affiliates of ssk and uve got all da arabs- we're unstoppable bruv."
faisal spudded him, darren continued, "we need to start sumtin big so when were about 30 we can have the youngers shottin for us- we cant be 30 years old and be still walkin on road." what the fuck was this guy on.
"me and u shld bang dis hoe 2gever as bruvas man," faisal said lookin at me.
"kl," darren said, "Oi u man!," he said 2 his boys, "me and faisal are gonna take care of dis sket- u man enjoy yourselves."
darren punched me and he and faisal pushed me into a room. darren locked the door.
"take off your clothes bitch," i began to undress.
darren was standin behind faisal.
and den de gunshots came.
"what the fuck was that!", faisal shouted.
darren smiled and opend the door, faisal ran out.
all his boys on the floor, bullets to the head, to the neck.
Faisal turned to Darren and said, "you set me up."
I trembled as i saw all dead bodies and darrens boys standin over dem.
"I didnt care about jermaine- i didnt give a shit about the asian chick- but when u man try kill me- nah nah never dat."
Faisal burst into tears at the sight of his friends dead, bleeding onto each other.
then all of darren's boys turned to faisal.
Faisal got on his knees, "please darren- please,"
Darren looked to me and said, "what should we do wiv him?"
I looked at faisal, his eyes were tryin to beg but he knew dere would be no point.
i looked around at the black boys, in the three striped hoodies- the cainrows, the shapeups, the slang and the red eyes and then i looked at the guns in their hands my eyes teared up. i want my grandad.
"gimme a gun," i whispered.
Faisal wept, Darren laughed and handed me a whip.
"you know how to use it?", Darren said.
"my heart does."
I pointed the gun, "open your fuckin mouth," i whispered. he wept. "suck the gun- give it brain," i said.
all the guys started laughin, "sick chick," i heard darren said.
"ah," someone whimpered. it was ahmed- he was climbin over mos body. I shot him.
"fat shit."
faisal wept, "you heard me," i said, "suck it."
i had my finger on the trigger as faisal was suckin the 9. "did you learn that from me?", i whispered. Darren laughed and kissed my head, "me and u need to get 2gever, fuck shawna."
I smiled.
Faisal looked up at me, his snot and tears ran onto the whip, "lick it up bitch," i smiled wipin the bloodoff my nose.
den i looked at him and i knew it. i knew wat was gonna happen and i didnt stop him, because i wanted it to.
the knife jammed into my stomach and faisals bloodyhands screamed murder as i fell back onto the ground.
i heard the bullets tear through faisal as i hit the ground.
i saw gold and blue and purple and then i saw red and then purple again- a deep purple and then nothing. nothing at all.
"You have half an hour to visit your inmate- if the inmate begins to behave in a way which we may deem dangerous then we'll have to ask you to leave."
I nodded and put on my sunglasses, i ran my fingers through my short hair as I walked in, there he was- the bastard who saw nothing wrong with fucking and then killing some 18 year old sket when his wife was raising his kids and expectin one on the way.
I sat opposite him.
"So you're my lawyer?" he said, "I thought I asked for Bernstein- who the hell are you?".
I took off my glasses and looked da fucker in the eye.
He jumped back.
"Yes it is," I said, "Yes it is."
Le Fin.
Nomi sat in her wheelchair looking out of the hospital window into the clear blue day. Her right eye still partially blind and her body exhausted from the anti biotics they had pumped into her system.
She heard footsteps walk into the room.
"Who's there?", she called spinning her wheelchair round.
It was the bullet that did all the talking- right out of the clean black gun and into the flesh that so many boys had touched.
"One down- one to go."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
"I think its important you all get to nomi a little better."
I looked as Shirley was sobbing, they had gagged her and the steam from the kettle was so hot i could feel it cleaning out my pores.
"bet you werent expectin us you fuckin slag," one of faisals boys said.
Grandad said, "please dont hurt us- what do you want."
"shut the fuck up nigger!", faisal said, "before i just pour this water on this bitches head like shes a tetley tea bag."
"please-" i said, "why are you doin this?".
"Darren got one of our bres- he knows everything- he said u told him this morning about me tryna set him up so hes got one of our bres- he wants a grand," faisal said bare angry.
"you want money?", grandad said, "w-we have money- please dont hurt us."
"thats more like it," faisal said, "ahmed- go with him to get the money."
the fat guy with the hairy boobs followed grandad upstairs.
"faisal please leave her alone," i pleaded.
"shes your grandma innit?".
"no but shes like one to me- please leave her alone- its me you want."
then i saw faisal turn to a picture, "oh my fuckin gosh- your dat skets nan- your rochelles nan."
shirley burst into tears.
"SHUT UP!", Faisal screamed and then poured a bit of the water on her head, shirley screamed.
i started cryin, "faisal no- please- grandads getting u the money."
"yeah where the fuck is he?", one of the other bres said.
"ahmed where the fuck are you ?!".
all of a sudden i turned to see ahmed role down the stairs and grandad standing at his feet with a rifle in his hand.
"You tink u can fuck wit me," he said pointin the rifle at faisal, "you can pour de water on me womans head- but believe me burns heals- a bullet in your bludklut may not."
Faisal looked shook and said to his boys in arabic, "get behind me."
"ill fuckin pour the water on her head- ill pour it in her eyes."
shirley sobbed, faisal poured more water on her head, "NO", i jumped over shirleys head and flykicked faisal into his boys who then fell onto the wall, the boiling water fell to the ground, I untied shirley bare quick but jus as she was about to get up, faisal kicked my face, i fell back.
"Boy you done did it now," grandad said.
just as he was about to pull the trigger, he held his chest. "RUPERT!", shirley screamed, he fell to the ground holdin his chest.
"mans fuckin havin a heart attack," faisal laughed, he grabbed shirley, "look at your old man- if your anythin like your grandaughter youllbe wantin a young man like me innit," he touched her breast, she sobbed. "rupert" she called.
i ran to grandad and tried to help him up but he couldnt i could see his face turnin red, the left side of his face was droopin and he was havin a slight spasm, "grandad," i sobbed, i looked up to see faisal kissing shirleys neck.
I picked up the rifle and pointed it at him, "let her fucking go" i said gently trying my best to ignore when grandad stopped movin.
"u cant use a rifle you dum slut- anyway if you shoot me- youll end up hittin the skets nan."
then i pointed the rifle at ahmed who was slowly beginning to wake up, "let shirley go or ill shoot dis fat prick rite now."
faisal pushed shirley to the ground, as she tried to crawl to the phone he kicked her and put his foot on her back, she began to pray.
"let her go," i said, "faisal i swear to God i will put a hole in your chest- let her go."
"your bluffin- u cant shoot shit," he laughed.
i could taste the anger in my sweat and could see grandads dead body from the corner of my eye. everytin went red.
"pussy o."
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Next week this blog will turn 3 years old, there has been a change in direction over the past 12 months. Last year I used to speak about social media as a revolution that would change the way businesses would approach marketing! WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH!
After working in an agency for a year, I realised that social media will actually be an evolution of the current digital/advertising model. I find there is still to many of these revolutionary spruikers in the blogosphere who are referencing one off social media examples as proof of the revolution! I think what is needed is more people sharing stories about first hand experience on how they overcame barriers (money/legal/administration) and how they integrated social media into their current digital/advertising model.
Revolutionary Social Media spruikers are good for one thing, they help to get people who know nothing about social media excited about the possibility of the technology. However, once this excitement dies down, there needs to be information on what people can actually do.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I am thinking of scraping the name and going with the name
I lookd faisal in da eye and fell to da ground.
Faisals face was so pale he would have made michael jackson jealous.
"what are we gonna do," faisal's bredrin said.
Den Faisal looked at me and grabbed me, he shook me so hard i could hear my tits screaming, "it was you- you fuckin nigger! you told me it was tripti."
" i fort it was her- she knew so much and she knows darren- i assumed,"
he punched me and i fell to da ground.
"dis is why i told u not to fuckin tell anyone u whore!," he screamed, then he swore in arabic- he said dirty slag.
I looked up at him wiv my bleeding nose, "it must hve been darren who was prank callin me dem times," i said- it was all makin sense, "howd u even know dat darren nows."
"he told me," faisals boy said, "i saw him at five aside and he said dat we were dumb to kill dat indian chick cos she didnt evn know shit- he already knew about it all."
i felt my belly turn and become filled with gas- i passed wind.
i didnt feel anway about it- i was so scared dat when faisal held his nose and called allah's name i dint care- my bes friend had been killd cos of my dum mistake and now someone knew our secret.
Faisal looked at me and said, "we need to kill darren."
I stood up and said, "your mad- how can you do dat- jus kill people like fuckin cluedo- i mean come on faisal- dis is too much- whever or not ur cool with some fed- sooner or later someone is gonna investigate."
He attempted to punch me but i held his hand, "not today,"i told him, "i'm leaving all of dis- dis has got nuffin 2 do wiv me anymore- u lot have gone 2 far."
He grabbed me and held my neck, "if you fuckin leave- we'll come after you you fuckin half breed- me and my boys will do shit to you so dirty you'll wish you didnt have eyes to see it," he spat in my face, i wiped it off with the back of my hand and said, "come after me and watch me go mad- ill scream everyfin- il find a fed u dont know and i will let the world know- i dont min' goin pen for the shit i did- ive gone thru worse." den i was goin to leave but i remembered dat it was my house and so i asked faisal and his boy to leave, before faisal left he said, "dead slosh walkin."
I called shirleys house to tell dem i was home and even doe dey were abit concerned dat i left in da middle of da nite, dey were fine. at dis point i knew i had to get help and so i went thru my phone book and found the number i needed, darren's.
when i calld it- it said da number was out of service and so i got desperate- i knew he was on twitter and so i made a twitter account ( and found him- when i did i left him a direct message beggin him 2 call me.
My phone rang the followin day as i was wakin up.
"Nomi its darren- what's good."
"Darren i need your help- Faisal and dem man want to kill you- they want to hurt you cos u know shit."
"Yeah i know everyfin Nomi- your girl Tripti could never keep a secret."
"Who the fuck do you think told me- you lot duppied her for no reason."
"We had to- she was gonna say everyfin about jermaine and shit."
"Thanks for confirming."
the phoneline went dead- my head was buzzin-what the fuck jus happened, i had noone to turn to- and i fink i jus told darren everyfin widout realizing. I locked all da doors, closed my windows and packed my bags, i was gonna stay wiv shirley- it would be the safest ting- faisal might come and get me, darren might come and get me but with shirley and grandad id be safe.
I left thru the backdor, lockin the doorbehind me and caught da train instead of da bus to shirleys jus in case someone was followin me wiv a whip, cause u cant drive on the underground.
When I reached her yard, i felt safe and i had plucked up the courage to tell dem everyfin- so we could tell da feds cos i knew how dangerous faisal was- deres nuttin he wouldnt do.
I knocked on da door and waited five minutes for it to be open by grandad who was cryin, before i could ask what was wrong i was pulld into da house by big hands and pushed into da front room. Faisal was holdin a hot kettle over shirleys head- she was cryin. six of his boys were behind dem, da blood on grandads face told me dey had fucked him up.
"I tink its important you all get to nomi better," he said.