Thursday, February 1, 2007

It's a strange world!

There are people selling things on almost every corner of Harare. Yesterday we saw a guy selling a single, used shower cap. Random!

We went to buy some bananas at a corner near where we work. John said (in Shona) "I would like 3 bananas please!" The man smiled and told us the cost was $1500. So, John pulled out $2,000. I said, "C'mon John - let's just buy 4!" so that the man didn't have to search for change. Later John explained, "I only know how to say I want 3 bananas, so I always just buy 3!" :)

In other strange news... the media here really likes news from China. The other day the paper carried a story about a Chinese thief who stole a cell phone from a teacher. The teacher started text-messaging her phone, and after 21 "moving" messages, the thief returned the phone - saying he was sorry, admiring her tolerance and telling her he wanted to be a better person.

I also read the story of a Bosnian hospital patient who went to have an operation to remove his kidney stone. When he got to the hospital he was told that the machine was broken, so he asked for a toolbox. He spent 7 hours fixing the machine and then had his surgery. How bizarre - how painful!



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