Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Risky ice cream

Yesterday (the 28th) was our 10 month anniversary in Zim. We decided to celebrate by eating lunch in the park, and then walking into town to share an ice cream cone. We got quite close to the ice cream store when all of a sudden we saw everyone - masses of people - running towards us. John saw men with batons chasing everyone, grabbed my elbow and shouted, "run!" We asked someone after what was going on. "A demonstration" (which, of course, are illegal here). It was kind of scary though. It was like we were on a movie set - or on BBC in one of those "far away" countries where that type of thing happens. 5 minutes later John thought we should go back around another way, that I should wait at the corner, and that he should try for the ice cream. I didn't let him. (And he worries about MY danger perception!!) Right... Happy Anniversary!



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