Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dr. Sonnet Ehler, a South African doctor, invented a female condom to help combat rape in the most painful way possible. The condom has a jagged hooked that latches on to a man’s penis during penetration.

Dr. Ehler was inspired to design this condom when she was 20. She we was on call when a rape victim with a lifeless look to her eye came into the hospital and muttered to her – “If only I had teeth down there.”

40 years Later Dr. Ehler designed the Rape-Ex, a jagged teeth-like condom that hooks on to the rapist penis upon penetrating.

Dr. Ehler explains the effects of the condom:

“It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it’s on, if he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter… however, it doesn’t break the skin, and there’s no danger of fluid exposure.”

Dr. Ehler sold her car and some of her belongings to launch this project and distributed around 300,000 condoms to local areas in South Africa where the World Cup was being held.

Dr. Ehler explained more:Rape

“I consulted engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to help in the design and make sure it was safe… the ideal situation would be for a woman to wear this when she’s going out on some kind of blind date … or to an area she’s not comfortable with,”

The Doctor also wanted to get into minds of rapist to find out what motivates them, and what they think would prevent them from committing this horrific crime. So she visited a prison and spoke to convicted inmatesof rape crimes.

“I went into prisons, and I spoke to the rapists themselves. Most of them said to me that it would be such a surprise factor… I said ‘and will you look for Rape-aXe beforehand?’ And they said no because it’s a hit and run, you’ve got to be quick and get away from the scene.”

Many critics of this condom has fear that  men will be brutal to women and put physical hurt on them if they know that this device is stuck to their penis. But Dr. Ehler thinks this device would be a good tool and think that this can help females escape from the rape victim faster.

“The men are violent already, so I cannot make them more violent with Rape-aXe. And another thing is if they kill their victim, he will be in double trouble. Because he’s tagged, he cannot remove it, he’s got to go to a hospital, and then he’s identified. So now at least he’ll be up for rape, and not for murder and rape.”

“The moment he looks down – ‘what happened to me?’ – that gives you time to jump up and run. He cannot run after you. You must remember that it’s attached to the penis during erection, and the penis wants to go back to normal, and it can’t because it’s almost like a splint that’s on it now. He cannot urinate, because if he pulls the tip to cut that off so that he can urinate, he pulls the hooks deeper into his body.”

I personally believe that this is a good design, its not a complete stop to preventing rape crimes, but it’s a step in the right direct. If you know there is a possible to get your penis trapped in a painful device if you have sex with someone, would you? I think not.



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