Monday, July 30, 2007

Time to Celebrate

It was my very best friend's birthday yesterday. Our phone is currently broken, and we can no longer get internet at home (even if the phone line worked!) so I couldn't call, but Sherri - you know I love you. It is wonderful to have a friend who sees all sides of me, and knows all of my "issues" but who still loves me and makes me laugh and is willing to have a whole 15 minute conversation with me where we both just cry because we miss each other. Thank God for good friends. Shout out too to my sister-in-law Jenn - happy birthday!

Two of our friends just got into university (one in the USA and one in Mutare), so last night we had a little send-off for them. We taught them Monopoly and ate chicken (freshly slaughtered - sorry, still working on uploading the photos!) and pasta and then we had a cake. Our neighbour makes cakes, and so I asked her to make one for us with the words "Congratulations Chris and Hope!" She decided to make it in the shape of a heart, so these two young guys were quite embarassed when Sam was like, "it's almost like a wedding cake!" John tried to explain the whole Pat-Saturday-night-live skit to them... It was really cute. They're good guys, and so even though we are very tired this morning ("we HAVE to finish the game!") it was a good celebration.

And we had a nice weekend in Chiweshe celebrating the re-dedication of a Salvation Army church - Nyachuru Citadel. We accompanied the Chief Secretary, who is an interesting character. We stayed with Paul and Pedrinah, and it was wonderful to chat with them. Despite hardships, it's always good to find time to celebrate.



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