Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Prayer means a lot to me, as it is my communication with God. John took me out to lunch, and before I started eating my wrap, I said a usual grace "Thank you God for this food." But it really meant something today. I was really thankful - and it really did feel like grace. There's no bread or meat in the shops, and yet I ate a chicken wrap with bacon in it. A miracle. Grace.

Speaking of prayer, there is a big prayer controversy in The Salvation Army here. See, a lot of Zimbabwean Salvationists like mass prayer (when everyone prays at the same time - often very loudly!) This was deemed to be "not The Salvation Army way" and so a prayer team is being sent all over the country to stop this type of praying. There was even some talk about establishing a prayer constitution and asking people to sign up and have joining fees. Thankfully that idea was scrapped. Personally I feel that with no food in the shops (it's so eerie to go into a grocery store and see no food!) there are bigger battles to fight than forms of prayer - but who I am to say?

Prayer is good. It's deep and meaningful and simple and profound. Try it out.



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