Thursday, January 1, 2009

Some great Sydneysider keeps putting up.

In the process they are also revaluing the channel of communication of the ‘street poster’. Now whenever I see a street poster I go up and check it out.

This is similar to the strategy that Google AdWords had with the Seth MacFarlane Calvacade, they put entertaining videos where they are going to put video ads. Clever, no?

Where the hell have I been for the last few days?

I went to Pyramid Rock Festival at possibly the coldest and windiest place in Australia, Phillip Island. I scored a Volunteer pass which got me a free ticket, if I cleaned up the festival for eight hours. Rubbish collection was much needed, as at times I was much confused with whether I had stepped into Corey Delanhey come back party (with enough Southern Cross tattoos, Couch burnings, Local Footy club chants, Beer Bongs and Bundy flags to last me a life time)

The line up on the other hand was killer, just suited to my taste; a massive Aussie Hip Hop Lineup (Drapht killed it IMO, backed up by Funkoars, Downsyde, Muph and Plutonic and The Herd) and just enough acts to keep me on the D-floor (Digitalism were awesome, Cut Copy, Ladyhawke, a tad disappointing and Kano.

They also filmed the music video to Pez’s ‘Festival song’, which pretty much sums up the whole experience.



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