Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jye Smith has an awesome series running at the moment about people’s Digital Perspective of 2008/09. I did a response a while back, but once I started seeing a number of other peoples (Paul Fisher,Zac Martin and Ravi Prasad) responses, I realised I probably needed to go into a little more detail with mine.

Describe what you do:

At the moment I am in a really exciting position, working with an enthusiastic team at The Population (Social Marketing Agency) to come up with marketing solutions for companies to the current digital landscape.
What do I do; I am implementing social marketing projects; Seek (Blogger Outreach Program), Foxtel (Online Publicity), Cancer Council (Online Publicity and Online Media Property Management) and Dosh Wallet (Online Publicity) but I will talk about them in more detail soon.

Best digital memory of 2008?:

My best digital memory would be an integrated memory (offline/online) of becoming part of the growing social marketing community in Sydney. Revolving around the Friday Morning Breakfasts, I have the opportunity to meet a number of interesting people in the last 6 months. It is really exciting and hard not to feel that this is the beginning of something really big.

Great video by Scott Drummond on why we all love Single Origin as venue of choice for Friday Morning Breakfast!

Single Origin Gypsy Friday from Scott Drummond on Vimeo.

What’s the best lesson the industry could learn?

Some common online enegagement measurement metrics. Measurements that show the importance of someone responding or commenting on content that a company have put out there, in comparison to someone just viewing a piece of content and also the value of a company responding to a comment/thread online.

What’s emerging for 2009? 

Community Managers in Australia, look forward to seeing a whole lot more of them.

I think that there will be a lot more companies deciding to hire people within the organisation to act as a middle point between what is occurring in the online environment and the organisation. I think that last year we saw a massive increase in the number of large corporations doing this in America. I expect it will hit Australia this year.

What will be big in 2013?

Jye Smith

Jye Smith’s, the people that are highly motivated, people who want to take control of their future. These people will help to shape what Australian Online Marketing will look like in 2013.



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