Tuesday, December 9, 2008

School of Peter Wagstaff

I now am proudly sporting my Student of Peter Wagstaff badge. Without Peter, I would not have got to where I am today, therefore I see it as really important to show my support for a man who is raising the bar of higher level education in Australia.

A lot of the success stories of Monash Caulfield Marketing graduates in the Industry, will ultimately lead back to, Peter. He has an unwavering passion for Marketing that has been instilled into a number of students of his units.

When the current revenue model for Universities is actually not students but researching grants (that might help to explain a number of socially challenged lecturers at Universities). You have to take your hat off to Peter who has prioritsed teaching students over research (I would imagine he would be in the minority of academics at Universities).

Congratulations and thank you to Monash Marketing Department for giving us access to such a great teacher and mentor within your ranks.

Don’t just believe what I have to say about him hear the other students of Peter Wagstaff

Rick Clarke, Zac Martin, Simon Oboler, Josh Strawczynski

If you are not already subscribed to Peter Wagstaff's, Marketing Today Podcast do it! Also check out his blog Renewed on the changing role of new media.



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