Friday, October 31, 2008
Em noite de Halloween, nada melhor do que apreciar os trabalhos de Paul Booth, o mestre da arte negra.
Seus trabalhos obscuros são reconhecidos em todo o planeta, 100 entre 100 tatuadores reconhecem os trabalhos do mestre das tatuagens Black and Gray.
Após algumas tatuagens, ilustrações e pinturas de Paul Booth, você confere uma das poucas entrevistas (em inglês) com o artista. Você conhecerá um pouco do estúdio Last Rites, alguns trabalhos e comentários sobre Tim Kern, Ethan Morgan, Jeremiah Barba, Dan Marshal e Liorcifer, profissionais do estúdio Last Rites.

Labels: Fotos de Tattoos, Vídeos
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Blogtober - 5 Aussie Marketing blogs that are oh so fresh and so clean
0 comments Posted by eightq at 7:18 PM
If you were going to set up a blog, I would suggest October. I celebrated my second birthday the other day, Zac celebrated his first and a number of new blogs have just started on the Australian Marketing scene.
I just thought I would give some props to a few exciting Australian Marketing Blogs that have started up in this great month.
1. Stellar Blog- I just found this blog the other day, and they started with a cracking post on 'How to get coverage in the Social Pages'. I am really excited when I see blogs like this start up because it really shows that blogging is no longer just about digital marketing but being a news source for other forms of marketing as well.
2. Nick Christie Crocker (Way Cool Jnr) – Nick is carving out a great niche of social media music marketing. He has got some great post up already about 10 things we can learn from Coldplay email marketing. I also stole the name Blogtober from him. ;)
3. Adam Ferrier (Consumer Psychologist)- Adam is the reason that I started at Naked, and racks up more column inches in trade magazine then any other Marketer, for good reason too he has a lot on his mind and a lot of value to give.
4. Kate Richardson (Stickywood)- Kate was one of the many smart brains behind Sprite Truth Hunters, she is creating a voice for Branded Entertainment in Australia and her agency Stickywood. She actually had her first post in September but who is counting!
5. Daniel Oyston (The Oyster Project) - Killed it with a great post on new diet fads in Japan effecting the banana economy. He joins Stephen Collins in bringing fresh thinking from our nations capital, Canberra.
Anyone else start a blog in October?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Danilo criou e fez sua primeira tatuagem em busca de proteção. Confira as três fotos e história de sua tattoo.
"Opa, meu nome é Danilo tenho 18 anos e essa é minha primeira tattoo, uma mandala de proteção (na batata da perna). Esse desenho fui eu quem criei quando tinha 17 anos e tatuei com 18 as inscrições. Estão em hebraico e significam "ADONAI (senhor meu deus) MAS ME LIVRAI DE TODOS OS MALES AMEM" ainda falta pintar e colocar o simbolo "hom" no centro, mas ficou bem legal!!! Tatuei no Junior do estúdio Rinsing Force que fica na barra funda em São Paulo."
Danilo Cabral
Labels: Fotos de Tattoos, Minha Tattoo
90% of the people who comment on this blog have a blog.
Why is this so?
a) they understand the pain of posting
b) they understand the reciprocal relationship building nature of posting
c) ????
Labels: Ben Shepard, Blogging, commenting, Julian Cole, Matt Granfield
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Josh Lyman consults Malcolm Turnbull on Internet Censorship/Twitter: Guest Post
0 comments Posted by eightq at 6:15 PM
The following is conversation that was captured between Malcolm Turnbull and The West Wing star Josh Astley
"Mr Turnbull I think we have gained some real traction with the Australian Online Community with our entry into Twitter, All the good work that was done by Kevin07 has seemed to be undone with our latest efforts.
Although our numbers (followers) may look like a small share of people, the peoplel we are talking with are highly influential, they publish alot of content online and reach a much larger audience.
In terms of our response to Conroy’s clean feed system, they are hungry for a response (shows Turnbull Summize stream, image below)… I think it would be in our best interest if we broke the story on Twitter. We need to reward this community with the scoop. Obama did this with VP announcemet, now lets drive the nail into the online Rudd coffin and show our commitment to this space.
What do you think sir? "

At the moment I am working my way through season 1-7 of The West Wing, if you have not watched it, do it. Any comments from CJ, Jed Bartlet, Sam Seborn, Toby, Leo or other members of the show will be permitted!
We went to our last pre-natal class last night. They taught us to swaddle babies and bathe babies and breastfeed babies and attend to babies' (minor) medical needs (John asked about a gushing leg wound and they said just to go straight to emergency for that!) I got really emotional with the doll - talking to him and wanting to hug him. I can't imagine what I'll be like with our own son. It's just so amazing to imagine that he will be us - a part of us and with us forever. Ah, God is good.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Integrantes de gangues da África do Sul e suas tatuagens, compõe a exposição Life After da artista Aramita de Clermont. A britânica de 37 anos, fotografou por mais um mês os corpos ilustrados de membros de gangues da Cidade do Cabo. Grande parte das tatuagens foram realizadas enquanto os integrantes estavam no presídio.
As obras estão em exposição de 1 de Setembro a 1 de Novembro, na galeria João Ferreira, estabelecida em Cape Town, África do Sul. Trata-se de uma das principais galerias destinadas à exposição de obras de artistas contemporâneos. Após a África do Sul, as obras seguem para Berlim.
As histórias de Danny, Frank, Martin, Stranger, Tamatie, Omar, Lewis e outros integrantes de gangues, podem ser conferidas no site da BBC.

Labels: Curiosidades, Eventos e Cursos, Fotos de Tattoos
Gavin Heaton has a way with words, so for the full story about the Australian Internet Filter fiasco read his post.
Sign the petition!
And remember don't let Australia get Rudd Roll'd
"Unicórnio, ou licórnio, é um animal mitológico que tem a forma de um cavalo, geralmente branco, com um único chifre em espiral. Sua imagem está associada à pureza e à força. Segundo as narrativas são seres dóceis; porém são as mulheres virgens que têm mais facilidade para tocá-los.
Considerado um equino fabuloso benéfico, com um grande corno na cabeça, o unicórnio entra nos bestiários em associação à virgindade, já que o mito compreende que o único ser capaz de domar um unicórnio é uma donzela pura."
Fonte: Wikipédia
Confira abaixo 16 tatuagens de unicórnios, fantásticos seres mitológicos que vez ou outra, habitam os estúdios de tatuagem. As últimas três fotos foram selecionadas para um início de semana bem humorado.

Labels: Fotos de Tattoos, Unicórnios