Thursday, August 2, 2007

Web Mee

I am sick of reading everywhere about this bubble. I haven't written a post here for months, been too busy with Fuelmyblog and other things.

I am writing this as someone that isn’t a guru, geek, evangelist, journalist or expert. I am a user.

I first used email in 1998. Up until that point, I had worked in face-to-face sales roles and nobody had the internet at home, in fact none of my friends even had a PC. I bought my first PC in 1997, when I installed my dial-up modem, my friends and family thought I had money to burn and was crazy.

In 2000, I downloaded “Unfinished Symphony” it took an hour. A 3Mb MP3. I wasn’t on a low wage, I had rented a farm at his time and earned a 6 figure wage, speed just wasn’t available.

Fast forward to today. My little cousin is 20 years old. She has been using Facebook for years, has loads of friends on it and just about every application available. When I asked her “have you heard of Facebook” she was stunned, “yes but why are you asking?” ,of course, she doesn’t read Techcrunch and all the others, in fact she hasn’t even heard of web 2.0. Why should she, she uses things that entertain her and her mates, she has known no difference, she has used the web since the age of 11. It is like me asking my friends “do you read a newspaper”..”yes, why?”.

My kids are 10 and 8 years old. They are what the web is being developed for, not people over 30. We just jump onto the next cool thing to keep looking cool, they jump on new things because they want it. “Daddy I want to watch SpongeBob..NOW!” then they click onto YouTube and there it is, they have no patience, they know no difference. My kids now look at things online at their Grandparents “look Nan, this is the song I like”. My Grandparents have an emergency mobile phone but to this day have absolutely no idea what it is. Things change.

I am 34 years old I have been using the web since I was 24. I remember growing up without mobile phones and when I signed up for my first mobile phone everyone laughed at me, I was 21, I needed it because I was a private investigator in London.

We are not the future and shouldn’t keep trying to guess what’ll be big next, they’ll be no bubble bursting, I wrote earlier that the only people that write about the bubble bursting are those journalists trying to justify their jobs. Wake up, things changed, no-one reads stuff written by old people anymore, not on the web anyway.

When I think bubble, I think of the 15 year olds blowing them at us with gum. The web is moving towards Web Mee not web 3.0. Web Mee is about what I want the web to do for me, not web 2.0 and what it did for you.



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