Friday, August 3, 2007

5 years

Today John and I are celebrating 5 wonderful years of marriage. August 3, 2002 - best day of my life, for sure! To have my family and friends there and then to see John looking hot in a kilt and then to get to MARRY my dream man!!! Marrying the right person is one of the biggest decisions of your life, and it can make your life SO happy. I know our (Canadian) culture is against commitment, and about half of marriages in North America end up in divorce, but it doesn't have to be that way. Before we got married, people told us that we'd have to work at our marriage, and I was like, "whatever! If you're in love you don't need work." But of course you need to work at your marriage, and nurture it - but it's fun work! I have never taken our marriage for granted, because I know it's special and beautiful. I'm so crazy in love with John! We even skipped our run this morning to stay in bed and celebrate (ok, ok, too much information - I know!) :)



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