Monday, June 8, 2009

"I just love you!"

When someone just comes up and says, "I just love you" and gives you a massive hug, there's nothing better.  Today, I was playing guitar in the kitchen, recording some new tunes on GarageBand and the kids came home from school (my friends 3 children).  Seven year old Justin walks in and says, "Tammy, I just love you" and came and hugged me. MAN! That is just the sweetest thing.  He said it so sincerely and just wanted to let me know.  It's SO good to be reminded that you are loved :0) My heart melted completely. Yea! 

Well, it got me thinking...I am God's child.   I want to melt His heart and let Him know how I feel about Him.  When I am talking with God I feel like I discuss lots of things...ask lots of questions and wonder about the outcome of this or that.  I am glad that God has lots of patience with me.  So, I just said, "God, I just love you!" I hope that I made Him smile.  He amazes me everyday.  I don't want to take Him for granted.  Somehow I know that God is looking at us, His children, and saying, "I just love you". 

Goodnight, Tam*



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