Saturday, June 9, 2007


A week today John runs the Comrades in South Africa (a crazy 89km race) - please pray for a healthy week for him.

I love Saturdays. Yesterday was my first Saturday at home in a month, and I relished it - sleeping in, not waking up early to do a run (John, of course, went for a run - we all have different ways of relaxing!), reading in bed (I just finished "The White Masai" - it made me SO grateful for the amazingly good health I've had since moving to Africa, and for my non-jealous husband), watching movies (I watched 2 "Heartlines" (values-based) episodes from South Africa - they're so good), watering the garden (we've planted cauliflower and peas along with carrotts and onions), visiting (we went to have a 17 year-anniversary tea with some friends and then we went to visit Capt. Pamacheche in the hospital) and then having burgers in town. What a great day. We even had electricity for a few hours! God is good.



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