Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A good thing

All of the top leaders of The Salvation Army in Zim are away at their Territorial Executive Conference. They had to appoint people to take care of the territory while they're away. John was made the interim Secretary for Personnel (as he's not even an officer, this announcement caused surprised laughter and then huge applause). This morning, the interim Secretary for Personnel did a really good thing. This morning, he had each THQ officer and employee come to the front, receive some applause, some words of appreciation, and a small gift of $200,000. In real life, that's only about $4, but here it's almost a full month's salary for 2 people. It was a good thing. Morale here is generally low. Prices go up, life expectancy goes down, skilled professionals leave the country and salaries (if you're among the fortunate 20% to have employment) stay stagnant. People at the top are always going to be ok, because they're always going to have people giving them gifts and honour and taking care of them. But if you're not at the top; if you're just an "ordinary" person, it's very tough. But today there is lots of singing and laughing in the corridors. I married a good man. We all have the power to build each other up and encourage one another. So, why do we so often choose to tear each other down and destroy each other? Today, let's do a good thing.



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