Monday, January 15, 2007

A prayer

The other day I was walking home from church with some officers (pastors). We passed my friend Lionel so I said hi to him and wished him Happy New Year. As we were walking on, the officers said (totally within earshot) "that's good Rochelle. That man is a drunk and a sinner. I think you should try to make him a (Salvation Army) soldier." I suggested maybe what he really needs is someone just to say hi or be kind to him. Last night I was visiting a family. The wife was telling me that she wants me to pray for her husband because he is not a Christian. We actually ended up having a prayer time a few minutes later and the husband prayed something similar to this, "God, thank you for this day. It is a miracle to be alive, because many of my friends are dying every day. Thank you for my wife, and for food that you give us. And God, from the bottom of my heart, I pray that you would bless our government and show them how to turn out country around. Because we are suffering. Amen." Hmmmm, I wonder what makes a good Christian....

Hey - I have an article posted on about my struggles with the "missionary" label (under blog reads if you want a shortcut). The brilliant Sherri Golisky (a.k.a. my best friend) also has an article, and it's really good. Check it out!



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