Monday, November 22, 2010

What a way to get bullied by Leslie Whittenstall in Second life. Well it all started off when long stretch of no one speaking and than someone mouthing off in Hanja. We all sitting there and minding our own business. Then all of a sudden Leslie Whittenstall cracked up crazy and start calling names at people. At first we all thought its a joke, but she did mean every single word. I was devastated and little mood down. Well its second life for you, then again its part of the ice breaker for some people in second life.

Leslie Whittenstall

Leslie Whittenstall - Posing and saying "Froggy"

Well, deep down we all in Hanja believes Leslie Whittenstall has got a good side. We will see in the future and wish her good luck hehehe

This is Jokes, But here we started our Second life Drama...



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