Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First of all, read the book, think about it and, if you can, talk about it to someone.

What is the story about?  What type of story is it?  What sort of characters did it have in it?  Write a few sentences answering these questions.

Who do you think this book was written for?  Was it a boy, a girl or both?  What sort of age group.  Give it a star rating - 1 for poor and 5 for GREAT!!!

Put the title of the book and the author's name at the top of the review.  If you want to be really impressive, you can add the ISBN  (International Standard Book Number).  Every book has one and it is usually on the back of the jacket.

If you want your book review to be more valuable. You should go deep in to the book and understand the facts. You can key points some of the good facts. Find things where explains what is good about the story. How then describe a certain thing. The idea is to understand the story and what are the main facts.



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