Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Significado das flores, Violeta, Papoula, Anêmona, Margarida e Cravo
0 comments Posted by eightq at 8:28 PM
A Violeta tem um certo destaque na mitologia grega e durante as épocas medievais significavam a fidelidade no amor, casta e humilde. Entretanto, na antiga Roma a violeta era usada em funeráis, e ainda hoje, sua cor púrpura significa lamentos.
A Papoula e a Anêmona estão relacionadas ao sono e a morte. Durante duas guerras eram símbolos dos soldados caídos nos campos de batalha. No mito de Afrodite, a Anêmona foi gerada a partir das lágrimas de lamentação de Afrodite pela morte de Adônis. Na idade média a Anêmona simbolizava também a proteção contra mal. Acredita-se que as fadas repousam entre as pétalas da Anêmona. Já a Papoula simboliza o sono.
A Margarida exala uma natural simplicidade. A flor é o símbolo da inocência e tem também conotação de amor perpetuo. Entretanto, acredita-se que a flor pode trazer azar se for trazida à casa.
Símbolo da fertilidade e do amor, o Cravo-Branco é sempre presente nos casamentos. O Cravo-Vermelho representa um coração ferido e o Cravo-Amarelo é empregado nos momentos de rejeições.

Labels: As Flores, Flores, Significados

Para os gregos e egípcios, a alma que deixa o corpo, tem o formato de uma borboleta. Borboleta e espírito significam em Grego psique, que tem como sua representanção uma criança com asas de borboleta.
Os astecas consideravam as borboletas como o "sopro vital" espelido pela boca do falecido, também liga-se a divindade Itzpapalotl, resultado do cruzamento entre uma borboleta e uma mulher. Tal simbologia é relacionada à metamorfose da borboleta e representa a saída do túmulo, ou casulo, para o renascer.
Muitos orientais também crêem na ligação do ciclo vital das borboletas com a passagem do mundo dos mortos para o mundo dos vivos. Em terras japonesas as borboletas são consideradas espíritos “viajantes“ que anunciam visitas de parentes ou mortes. Entretanto, se encontrar duas borboletas juntas, fique feliz, pois representa felicidade no casamento.
Os vietnamitas acreditam que as borboletas são a expressão da vida longa.
Com vários significados diferentes as borboletas, sobretudo as coloridas, estão entre as tatuagens femininas mais procuradas nos estúdios de tatuagem. Se você está a procura da borboleta ideal para sua tatuagen, veja a pesquisa por borboletas do site Olhares, são centenas de fotos de borboletas com ótima qualidade fotográfica.

O Dragão, ou Naga guarda o Dharma, ou Darma, a base das práticas, filosofias e crenças indianas. Nas manhãs são cantados Sutras, registros dos ensinamentos orais de Buda Gautama, em oferenda à oito Reis-Dragões. Na cultura indiana o Dragão também representa a transformação. O Portal do Dragão é um bom exemplo, pois simboliza a entrada de um Monge Budista para um mosteiro.
No oceano ou grandes rios estão escondidos os Dragões-Azuis e os Dragões-Pretos. A missão destes Dragões é guardar preciosas pérolas ainda não manifestadas, guardadas fielmente entre as suas mandíbulas.
Já o Dragão-Voador encontrou o exato momento da iluminação e após muito praticar foi-lhe permitido aparecer para a humanidade. Este Dragão simboliza a realização.
Os Dragões muitas vezes são representados com chamas e nuvens que os guiam até os céus. As nuvens representam as dificuldades, conflitos e problemas que surgem durante a vida, mas que gera grande força necessárias à um legítimo Monge Budista. O nome Dragão-do-Céu é atribuído à muitos templos.
Se você gostou desta publicação, confira também Os Mistérios dos Dragões.

Labels: Dragão Oriental, Dragões, Significados
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and she was giving me a little bit of constructive criticism on my blog (she told me that a lot of the time, I have too many videos that she doesn't watch them and if she cannot see to the end of the post she doesn't not read it).
This is invaluable feedback, so I was just wondering what you guys enjoy about my blog? What annoys you about it? How could I make it better?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Priscilla de Carvalho passou aqui pelo blog para convidar-nos a sua exposição "Pin-ups de Quelita". A paranaense expôs suas obras em 2008 no SESC Paraná e agora expõe na Livraria Porto do Shopping Catuaí, Paraná. Suas obras serão exibidas de 25/05 à 08/06 das 10:00 às 22:00hs. Os interessados nas obras de Priscilla de Carvalho devem entrar em contato pelo telefone (43)9984-2456.
Para conhecer algumas Pin-ups de Priscilla visite o site:
Labels: Eventos e Cursos
Curso on-line de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos
0 comments Posted by eightq at 8:22 PMAbertas as inscrições para o Curso Básico de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos Médico-Hospitalares da NÓS - Negócios, Oportunidades e Serviços.
Curso on-line com 60 dias de duração e carga horária de 40hs. Cinquenta e cinco capítulos dividos em onze módulos compoem o curso que oferece material de apoio e links para consultas. O curso dispõe ainda de fórum com acesso aos professores, avaliações e certificação do IBTF (Instituto Brasileiro de Educação e Tecnologia de Formação a Distância).
Promoção válida até o dia 18/06/09, investimento total R$48,30.
Visite o site do curso para conhecer o conteúdo programático, instrutora e demais informações pertinentes.
Coordenação Projeto TSPV
Telefone: 11-4612-9448 / 4612-0410
Labels: Eventos e Cursos
1º Balneario Camboriu Needles Fest
A Balneario Camboriú Needles Fest será a 1ª Convenção Internacional de Tattoo e Piercing de Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina. O evento foi idealizado por: Piercer Snoopy do estúdio Polaco Tattoo, André Tenório do estúdo Fine Arts e Dirceu do estúdio Dermografite. A idéia é fazer um evento onde não serão julgados os trabalhos dos tatuadores. Esta é uma mobilização mundial para o resgate da Cultura da Tatuagem e da Body Art em geral.
A convenção se realizará no Sibara Flat, um hotel conjugado a um ótimo centro de convenções, facilitando assim, o acesso dos expositores à Balneario Camboriú Needles. Será realizada também uma inesquecível festa para os expositores em uma embarcação pirata típica.
Abaixo imagens do hotel, mapa dos estandes, tatuadores confirmados, data, local, contatos e apoios.
Tatuadores confirmados
Black Bad Trip Tattoo - Argentina, Coreta Tattoo - Argentina, Cebolas Tattoo, Conrado Tattoo, Cruel, Daniel Novais, Diogo Quadrados, Dorme Tattoo, Du Andrade, Galo Tattoo, Gilmar Rodrigues, Jander Tattoo, Julio Dark Vision, Junas Tattoo, Leandro Tattoo, Mauricio Teodoro, Néias Tattoo, Nori Tattoo - Japão, Rafinha Tattoo, Ramsés Tattoo, Ratinho Tattoo, Rattoo, Ricardo Tattoo, Ray Tattoo, Scott Tattoo, Snoopy Tattoo e Thiago Tattoo.
11, 12 e 13 de Dezembro de 2009
Sibara Flat, Hotel e Convenções
Av.: Brasil, nº 1500
E-mail: /
Telefones: (47) 3366-5936, 3366-5936, 9102-9599
Site oficial:
Polaco Tattoo Shop, Tattoo Care, Brazilian Steel, SETAP, Iron Works Brasil, Jawi e RTI.
Labels: Convenções
Some weeks passed and living with Antoine and Daniel was so much joke. The video shoot for Tinchy's video was in two weeks and Antoine had convinced the director to feature me as a minor extra, just in the background innit. I woke up this morning feeling a bit beta, the doctors had removed the stitches from my ass and cos i hadnt fucked in a few weeks, my pussy was bare tight almost like i was a fuckinvirgin, lmao. The girl had come to do my weave which looked banging, it was long and wavy, i think the hairs called Mexican Wave, i dont know, but it looked deep. they took the bandage off my nose, i looked like a new girl, a new Rochelle, a fuckin sexy bitch
Today was the trial. Andeven tho i wasnt gonna be dere, i wondered what it wld be like, watchin de fuckers who did all those dutty fings to me for some dumb reason, it had been on the news but cos i didnt want my identity 2 be known, the news just said my name was Girl X. people were horified wiv it, online, and dat helped me get better cos if the world knew it was wrong, den it meant they felt sorry for me.
Itried not to fink about it 2 much, cos Antoine was crackin me bare jokes whilst Daniel wnt shopping.
"How are you feelin?", he asked me as we sat by the pool smoking browns.
"better, but the memories still hurt innit."
"I know, it took me ten years to get over what happened to me," Antoine said throwing back his weave.
"What happened 2 u," i asked, letting smoke come out from my nose.
"It was when i was at school, i think i was about 11 and cos i acted really feminine, every1 thrt i was gay but i wasnt, i was just girly, anyway, so i was in the boys toilet with my other friend taking a piss when some guy from the year above walks in, now this guy was a big guy on road, his dad was the major shotter in the ends but anyway so he walks in and looks at me and says "Yo batty boy, suck my dick." And i was so scared cos i wasnt gay, i said no then ran out, then he told all his friends that he caught me doing it with my friend, so he and his friends waited for us after school and they forced us into some deserted house and beat us up, they stabbed my friend 130 times." Antoine started bawling then, "Just because that idiot told a lie, my friend died, because of a lie."
I gave Antoine a hug, "So i left London," he said, "And worked my ass of as a dancer for different events and then i dnt know how but i turned gay, mayb cos it was easier than having to keep denying it to people in my heart i knew i wasnt but decided to start saying i was so people would just fuck off." Antoine continued smoking his browns and said, "Im gonna make you big, you didnt deserve what them people did 2 u, when we get on the video set, im going to make sure u get the lead, ur a much better dancer than the girl we have on the lead already, her names Monique."
A few weeks later, it was the day of the shoot,I kissed Daniel goodbye as he slept catchin flies in his mouf, then me and Antoine got to the location which was in Bedfordshire at 7am to do a rehearsal wiv the rest of the dancers. "Girlies, this is my girl Rochelle, get to know her, get to like her cos shes here to stay," Antoine said. all the girls said hi. "Ok, where's Monique?", he asked.
One of the ova girls said (who was in Tinchy's number 1 video) said, "me and her went clubbin last nite, she said shed be here on time." then all of a sudden, how can my girl bust in the room actin like some big gal. "Don't worry girls, Monique is here," Monique said, "Whos dat?", she said lookin at me.
"Rochelle, shes a new girl," Antoine said. Monique gave me the dirtiest look. One fing i culdnt deny was dat my girl was a boomtin, she was tall, mixrace and had a bangin body, if i was a guy i would hit it. Then Monique said, "I dont want her here, im the chief dancer innit, what i say goes."
Antoine told her, "Nah nah Monique, stop your shit, i'm the choreographer and im the one in charge of selectin dancers, im sayin she stays."
"Never dat!" Monique replied, "Look at her, she ain't no dancer, listen likkle girl you need to leave the fuckin set."
I was bare nervous, normally i didnt take anybodies shit but this was all new to me so i said, "Its ok antoine, it dont matter, the girl oviously got jealousy issues innit." da ova girls started crackin up, den i said, "Monique, ill be in the waiting lounge yeah, when ur finished teachin the bitch 2 dance, ill chat 2 u den." Monique smiled as i left.
so i was waiting in the waiting lounge, it was fuckin busy, people go and back and fort, back and fort like Aaliyah. Then all of a sudden, i heard "wharm sexy." I looked to see some sexy, tall guy with dark skin and dark green eyes. "Hello," i said.
"Whats ur name?".
"Rochelle," i said, "And urs?".
"Shawn, why u sittin out here, swear down ur choong enuff 2 b one of the dancers."
"I was meant to be, but that fuckin bitch Monique said i couldnt be."
"Yeah yeah, that means ur banging, she always wants to get rid of the hot tings cos she scared her man mite like dem more."
"Who's her man."
Me and Shawn were chatting for time, i didnt tell himbout what had happend 2 me but i did tell him i was from brixto. He lived in Hackney and was 19 and was Tinchy's bredrin. He was there for the video just to support Tinchy. "So have u got a man?".
"Nah," i knew it was a lie cos me and Daniel were official now but Shawnwas 22222222222222 much, and now that my pussy and ass were better i could fuck him as much i wanted.
Then Shawn said, "Me and u should do a ting sometime."
"Id like that," i said.
Next ting i knew we was in one of the toilets and he was fuckin me sensless wiht a rubber on. his dick was so big that it filled my entire pussy, even if i wanted to cum it wouldnt be able to come out cos there was no space, it was so fuckin nice.
He had his hands round my neck and then he took his piece out and shoved it in my mouth, i did my trademark bunny rabbit move, the pre-cum was all over my teeth as i sucked that dick quick and fast, i licked his balls and he said "uh", then i tickled his balls whilst i sucked the dick, then i pulled the rubber off and did it bare back, as i was suckin, my phone rang, i cheked it, it was daniel. even tho i felt guilty shawns dick was too good to let go and so i kep on suckin, then i took it out and turned around and put it in my pussy. mmm. the tip of it made my legs shake and a weird feeling came in the bottom of my stomach and i bust. I was about to pull my jeans up when he said, "youve got yours, now i need to get mine."
Then he rammed it so hard in my pussy that my head was bangin against the cubicle wall. den dere was a knock on the door.
"Who's in there?".
shawn said, "Me im fuckin takin a shit, fuck off."
Then the person left.
He carried on fuckin me, he reached around and put his fingers in my mouf as his dick got bigger and bigger inside of me. He pulled my hair with his right hand and wiv his left hand he held my left leg up.
Then he bust, as soon as he did, he pulled out and i fell to da ground, my head hit the toilet seat. Then he said to me, "Listen, take my digits, when ur back in London and we can do dis again."
Then he left. I was fixin myself whilst lookin in the mirror and as i was Monique walked in.
"Ur still here?", she said washin her hands.
"Yeah i am."
"Listen- jus so u knw if we had been on road and u spoke 2 me da way u did, i would shanked u up, my bruvas in pen rite now for torturing some sket, u ever heard of SSK, mybruvas in dat crew, dey dont fuck about."
I froze, her bruva was one of the guys who did dat to me but she didnt know it was me cos da police had kept my identity a secret.
As i was leavin da toilet, she grabbed my arm and said, "Did u hear what i jus said?".
I nodded and said, "Sorry."
Then she said, "Good, id hate 2 have to fuck u up."
When me and Antoine got home, Daniel was waiting for us and he said, his face looked proper upset, "Rochelle, i need to talk 2 u."
It was about the trial, i sat down and he tld me, "All of dem got 25 years in pen wiv no parole," he said but his face still looked sad, "but your mum- rochelle- your mum's dead."
Labels: batty man Antoine, Monique, SSK
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Labels: Wedding Body Paintings
We walked around for 4 hours :0) exploring. I went into a few live music venues and chatted with them about maybe doing an acoustic show or writers night-would be great to play here in Whitstable. Here are some photos!
I looked in the mirror in the hospital toilet. They had really fucked me up.
I had two black eyes, they had cut off bare ov my hair and the scars on my body looked like theyd never go. then i looked at my nose and realized dat the doctors had improved it, it was bare nice in a weird way, plastic surgery for free i said to myself as tears ran down my eyes, i touched the bandage on my nose, it was so sore. How did my life get this way, how could i go from playing with my little cousins on the bus to bending down and drinking a guys bust. I knew fings were fucked up, i accepted it for da first time and it hurt to fink it took dis to let me see it. my legs still hurt from when they let the dog fuck me and cos the doctors had to stitch the parts of my ass it tore up, my ass was sore.
I cried a little and the ended up bawling, i put my hand ova my mouth so nobody would hear. Daniel would be comin 2 pick me up in a few hours so me and him would stay at his friends yard in Milton Keynes for a bit until the jakes arrested all dem fuckin dickeds who did this to me.
I ran my fingers thru what was left from my hair, it was still enough to cainrow but it felt horrible cos there were some bald patches. I walked back to the ward slowly and lay in the bed, thinkin bout Daniel, how much i loved him and how much i wanted to fuck him as soon as i saw him but i knew i couldnt, the doctor said i had to wait 6-7 weeks for my pussy to heal. I slowly drowsed 0ff
Morning came and Daniel was there sitting on my bed when i woke up. He kissed my forehead and said, "They've arrested dem, all of dem pussy'os,", i smiled and hugged him, "But you have to go and identify dem innit make sure all of dem are dere."
"I dont wanna go back to South", i said, "I never wanna go back dere again."
"Just come and identify the fuckers and then well go to milton keynes and stay dere for as long as u like, got my goons to do my shotting for me so i can spend all my time with u until ur ready to go back home and live wiv me."
I kissed his lips, letting my tongue lick his and then i told him, "I'm gonna marry you."
He smiled and said, "Corse corse, we talked bout dis on de fone."
Then the doctor came in and shook Daniels hand, "Hello, My name is Dr. Cox, i presume you are Rochelle's boyfriend?".
"All day every day innit brav," Daniel replied. The Doctor smiled and said, "You're free to go home, but before you do, i think i need to explain what we did to help you yesterday in surgery, your nose was broken in 18 different places, so we had to break the entire nose, take out all the bones and rebuild it from scratch, it will be sore for a while and a little blueish for about three weeks, your anus was so torn out that as you know we had to stitch some of it back together again and we unfortuenately found traces of dog semen inside of it, you explained what happened and it saddens me to think people are so sickening to allow their dog to do that to another human being, your eyes arent black from the attack but are black because of the nose surgery."
"What about my hair, doctor, will it grow back," i asked.
"Yes it will, in due time, they did a pretty nasty thing to you,but from what ive heard theyve been caught, hopefully their punishment will fit the crime," Dr. Cox said. He shook my hand and Daniels and left.
After i got dressed in fresh clothes and wore a headscarf, me and Daniel drove back to Brixton Police Station.
I had to identify all of them, including Sherice, my one best friend, my girl, how could she betray melike dat, then the police told me dat i had to tell them what happened in front of a camera so it could be used in the trial cos i didnt want to be dere myself, so i did, it was fuckin horrible havin to relive everyfin they did to me, havin to feel all those feelins of being kicked, fucked by a pitbull, pissed on, spat on, farted on. The police lady told me dat dey all had denied it at first but when they were shown the cctv from the warehouse dey all confessed.
When it was done, the police gave Daniel the police station number in case of anything and the police lady said, "To be safe, stay out of London for a while, SSK crew are known to us as being wide spread gang around London and they may try and harm you."
Then me and Daniel went to Milton Keynes. His friends yard was niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. It had four bedrooms, a pool, widescreen tv, three bathrooms, it was just fuckin banging.
After Daniel called the friend to let him know we were dere, we unpacked our fings and spent the rest of day relaxin watchin tv, then Daniel put on Dj Ironiks album and started singin along to it, it was so sweet, he had been so fuckin good to me and so i had to reward him. Even doe my jaw still kindof hurt, i walked over to him and unzipped his jeans, then pulled down his baggy boxers and kissed his cock, he already had a boner.
Then i sucked the top, sucking so hard on it, then i put whole mouf on da ting, back and forth, gaggin on it, i managed to fit the whole fing in my mouth, he said, "Chelle! Chelle!" i sucked dat ting good, lettin my tongue flicker all over it, then he started going back and forth basiclly fuckin me in the mouth, his white cock tasted bare nice, i let the dick slide in and out of my mouth, lettin him see it den lettin it dissapear into my warm mouth like a fuckin magic trick, "Im gonna cum, lemme pull it out." So i let him and he bust all over my face, for dat brief moment my body felt fine but as soon as he finished rubbin the cum into my skin, the pain came back in my ass and i cried. he picked me up and lay me on the couch. and gently began to lick me , soft and first but even dat hurt so then he flemmed on it and wiped the flem all over it so it felt softer, then he used his little finger to finger me. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, my pussy worked! it didnt hurt, my ass still did hurt tho, then Daniel did it, he placed the cock in my puss and gently put my legs on his shoulders and fucked me and said, "If you fink im fuckin u hard now, wait till ur ass gets better."
I laughed a bit, i couldnt wait. I felt the dick get bigger and get bigger in my pussy, then he took it out and let the fountain of cum fall into my mouth. It tasted sort of bitter this time but i swallowed it all up. It was the least i could for Daniel, he was all i had.
We lay down for a bit and den i said, "Daniel i need to sort my hair out, we need to contact the nearest hair salon."
Den Daniel said, "Yeah uno wat, my bredrins coming here 2 nite to c u cos i tld him what happened, when i come ill ask him if he knows one."
"But hes a bre, i doubt he'll know about dem sort of tings."
"He's gay."
I looked at Daniel like what?! "Gay?", i asked, "But u hate gay people." Just as he was about to respond, the front door opened. Some hench black guy wearing a weave, a tartan mini skirt, a pink shirt, 5 inch heels and a cardigan walked in.
"Antoine!", Daniel ran up to him and hugged him. "Rochelle this is Antoine, my bredrin frm skl innit, dis his yard."
I smiled and waved cos even tho i thrt he was fuckin weird, i was stayin in his yard, so i said, "Hi."
Then Antoine said, "Daniel told me what happened, boo boo, what sickos, anyways make yourself feel at home, just came back from LA."
"Antoine is a choreographer," Daniel explained, "Ees done bare videos, i swear u even did one for Estelle."
"Yah, uno American Boy,i taught her how to pose awkwardly." Daniel burst out laughing, i culdnt believe my eyes, Daniel laughing at a batty mans joke, laaaaaaaaaaaaaater.
Later on that night, when the three of us were yammin on some Chinese, Daniel said, "Cos of what dem dogfuckers did to Chelle's hair, she needs to get it done, do u knw anyone who could do it for her round ere."
"Darlin, am i gay?", Antoine said.
Daniel said, "Yeah."
"Then theres ur answer honey," Antoine laughed. This was gettin too much, this chichi boy was pissin me off, in my head i started singing log on wagan chichi man but then i realised dat was dumb cos the guy was givin me a place to stay and he had been bare kl to me.
"I know a girl," Antoine said, "Actually she'a guy, but she had her peepee cut off two years ago darlin- anyway she does the hottest weaves this side of Milton Keynes, ill call her to come round tommorow, judging by the look of your hair Rochelle, ull need a full weave."
"How much is it?" Daniel asked.
"Dont be silly, i'll pay," antoine said.
"Thankyou so much," i said.
"Oh honey dnt think nuthin of it, any friend of DanDan is a friend of mine, besides a girl as beautiful as u deserves to look good, has anyone ever told u that u look jus like Naomi Campbell."
"No," i said.
"Thats because you dont, HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", Antoine laughed. Daniel laughed along to so i smiled. "Only kidding babe, but u do actually look like a dark skin version of Rocsi from that american show on the blackpeople channel, 106 and Nigger?".
"106 and Park," i said.
"Oh yes yes, you really are up to date with your urban peeps arent you, only joking babe, oh im so full of life, i just got hired to do the choreography for Tinchy Stryder's new video."
"You're fuckin jokin mate," Daniel said eating his chow mein.
"Im dead serious, we start rehearsal tommorow." Omg, i couldnt believe it, i said, "Tinchy Stryder is like a hero, hes really doing it big for Uk music as a whole, not just grime."
"Grime honey?", Antoine asked, "Darlin, get to know- Tinchy is a diverse artist, he dont do grime anymore, he leaves that for the negroes doing the gun fingers on Channel Aka, Tinchy is doing big things, the video is big budget, i got paid 3 grand to do it, thats how u know he has money to spend, you know what Rochelle, one u get that plaster off ur nose so we can see what it looks like and once we get ur hair fixed and ur black eyes heal, ill talk to the director and ask if Tinchy needs any extras, youve got a nice body and im sure Tinchy would like to get to know you anyway."
Daniel smiled at me.
"Yeah thanks, that would be so nice of u." i said, cos to be honest, i felt my body start to heal about then cos i was jenuinly happy.
But that nite as i lay next to Daniel in one of antoine's sparerooms, i cried myself to sleep as the memories of what happened to me came back and the sound of that dog barking made me want to cut off my ears so i couldnt hear it anymore, but Daniel held me tighter and whispered, "My wifey for lifey anybody hu try step 2 u will get cool with my knifey."
Labels: batty man Antoine, daniel, Tinchy
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oriunda de fata, ou destino em Latin a palavra fada liga-se com frequência ao destino imprevisível e por isto, muitas vezes as fadas são usadas como um amuleto que mantém nosso presente equilibrado, banindo os inconvenientes de nossas vidas.
As fadas são divididas em Fadas dos Temporais e Sílfides, ou Fadas das Nuvens. São relacionadas ao elemento Ar, as Sílfides são muito inteligentes e direcionam luzes às plantas, gostam de pessoas e animais, e muitas vezes agem como guias ou protetoras destas pessoas. Dotadas de muita energia, as Fadas das Tempestades estão presentes nos picos das grandes montanhas e florestas, muitas vezes são vistas em grupos e só vão até a superfície a floresta quando há ventania.
A popularidade das fadas é tamanha que muitas vezes designa o nome de Conto de Fadas a qualquer história com muitos simbolismos e magias. Com seu ar inocente, dotada de magias e cercada de mistérios as fadas estão entres os seres míticos preferidos pelas crianças e muitas vezes tatuadas por mulheres em busca de temas femininos em suas tatuagens.
Para conhecer um pouco mais a cerca das Fadas antes de tatuar-se, confira os três links abaixo.
Site da Disney com informações sobre a fada Tinker Bell (Sininho) e suas amigas Mary, Silvermist, Rosetta, Iridessa, Fawn e Rainha Clarion.
Sáiba um pouco mais sobre os hábitos, alimentação, vestimentas e conheça as fadas Dília e Fada Morgana.
O site relata o caso de Frances Griffiths, uma garotinha de 10 anos nascida na inglaterra que em 1917 havia supostamente sido fotografada junto a quatro fadas por sua irmã Elsie Wright.
Se quer aventurar-se nos desenhos de fadas e talvez até desenhar a fada que será tatuada por você, não deixe de visitar o site Dragoart, neste link encontram-se cinco tutoriais com o passo-a-passo da criação de belas fadas.

Labels: As Fadas, Fadas, Significados
So, I am visiting these lovely friends of mine! We've played lots of soccer, went bowling, walked around the city, went to dinner and also made some tacos. These two photos are of the onion chopping crew! Their eyes were watering so I told them that they need goggles, and funny enough they had goggles! Too funny! They cracked me up.
Here are the Leddy folks! Good wine and good company=good times :0) I love love love these friends! Hugs and blessings to you!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Meu nome é Luciano Hilario, moro em Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, faço séries para estúdios de tattoos e caricaturas. Trabalho também com retratos realistas!
Amo a arte da tattoo.
Luciano Hilário
E-mails: ou

Labels: Desenhos
There were so many questions running thru my mind, was Daniel gay? did he really rape Kieran? i felt sik at the thort and jus had to call daniel himself to see see what he had to say bout this. i dialled his number.
Daniel: evenin lav, problem taking care of, kieran wont be bothering u again
me: thankyou, but daniel someone told me u did somethin really dirty to him, is it true?
Daniel: i got some ova man to deal wid him, why what did someone say?
Me: that you- that u raped him?
Daniel: NEVER DAT! i let some of my goons from Norwood deal wiv him, if dey did dat to him- den boy- it obviously gt da job done, anyways why u concerned for- u got what u wanted.
Me: As long as it wasn't u who did that cos thats dirty.
Daniel: Them man dont even care, theyre my goons innit, always got back my back, but listen i gotta go now innit, wait at ur mums drum for a few days and ill call u when its kl 2 come back, ill check on ur drum 4 u, collect any post and shit.
Me: Thankyou babe.
Then he put the phone down. I was so relieved that it wasn't Daniel who did that and it was some other bres, i was relieved- no way could i be fuckin a guy whose into dat shit. I went to bed still sort of horny from my fuck with Nathan and when i woke up the next morning, i was still horny. My mum came into my room to wake me up at 1 in the afternoon, she sat on the bottom of my bed, "Listen babe, are you ok from yesterday- just watch who u sleep with, you're a big girl now so make good decisions, anyway i need to go and get my hair done in camberwell and so ill be out for a while, actually for the whole day, nathans home tho so if u need anythin just ask him, hes a nice guy isnt' he, i think i could even marry him." I smiled at her, she looked so happy and i said, "Yeah he's a nice guy" (if only she knew that i had experienced how nice he had been to my pussy the night before.) My mum then left the house.
I got in the shower and as the warm water dripped all over my body, i felt hot all over, i needed some more of that nigerian dick ramming my clit, so i walked out of the shower naked and walked downstairs where Nathan was yammin some KFC and drinking supermalt, he said to me, "listen rochelle, what happened last night was a one off, go up stairs wear your clothes and we'll forget it ever happened." But i started fingerin myself, letting my slim fingers get deeper in my pussy, then i reached over to his bottle of supermalt and poured it all over my body. i saw his eyes light up as i walked to the living room, letting him watch my bangin ass. by the time i was in the living room, he had pounced on me and was licking the supermalt off me and just as he did:
"oh i forgot my purse."
My mum screamed at the sight of her boyfriend licking my back. She screamed, her hands were shaking, tears ran down her eyes and she said to me quietly, "Rochelle get dressed and get out." when i tried to say sorry, she ran toward me and punched me in the face knocking me into the wall, i fell on the floor den ran up the stairs and got dressed, i cried as i got dressed and i heard my mum smashing bottles, when i got downstairs she was kicking nathan in the head with her shoes, i tried to say sorry to her again but she told me, "You are dead to me, i never want to see you on this earth, or in heaven, or in hell, you slut." Then she flemmed in my face and threw me out of the house. I used the back of my top to wipe my face as i made my way to the bus stop, i couldnt go back to brixton cos it mite not be safe in case Kieran decided to get revenge by comin 2 my yard so as i sat at the bus stop wondering what to do, my phone rang, it was a witheld number:
Me: Hello (i said dat quietly)
Person: yeah it's me.
Me: Kieran? (oh shit oh shit, i was bare scared at this point.)
Rico: Nah nah, its rico, looool- who the fucks kieran. (i was relieved, shit boy their voices sound bare alike.)
Me: Just some pussy hole, erm how did u get my number?
Rico: Sherice gave it 2 me, uno we had to sack her from primark, bitch was trying to jack bare shit, your voice sounds like you've been crying, are u ok?
Me: No, im not actually (i burst into tears.)
Rico: Where r u now, ill come pick u up, im whipping it innit.
I told him where i was and within half an hour he was at the bus stop in his Peugeot, he was playing the Dont Jealous Me Funky tune bare loud as i got in the car. He kissed my cheek, "U alrite babe, do u want somefin to eat?", he asked.
"No no, im ok- can we jus go 2 ur yard", i asked him beginin 2 cry again.
"Yeah, but i need to go get some money off some guy first innit, then well go back 2 my drum."
"Ok" i said.
We was in the car for half an hour and then after that i didnt recognise where we were going, "where we goin?", i asked him.
then as he got onto the motorway, he said, "To teach you a lesson for setting up my cousin."
"Your cousin?", i asked bare scared.
"Kieran, kierans my cousin u hoe and he told me what u made them bres did to him."
Now i was scared, if we were on a normal road i would have jumped out the car but we was on the motorway, i wasnt getting licked down by no truck for nobody. I told him i was sorry and as i begged him, he used his left hand to box my face. then i blacked out.
When i woke up, it was in some warehouse, i heard a dog barking my hands were tied together and i was naked, my pussy was aching and my eyes were stinging, i looked up and saw a gang of bres all dressed in balaclavas and black hoodies which said SSK on the front, i knew it stood for SLAUGHTER, SHOT, KILL, they were a gang from south east who had killed some guy for looking at dem funny one time at a shoobz, i know cs i was there.
"Look at her, fuckin dirty sket," i heard a familiar voice say, it was Sherice, she was standin wit the bres holdin a pitbull, "You fuckin hoe- u fink wed let u get away wiv setting Kieran up, nah nah bitch, oh wat- ur shocked cos im wiv dem now- yeah ill betray u like u betrayed me by trying to fuck rico."
"Please help me" i cried, "im sorry, please let me go."
Then all the guys took off their balaclavas, one of them was Kieran, one of them was Jermaine and the other was rico, i didnt recognise the rest except one who had chirpsed me one time after college.
"Come we all fuck her to punish her," one of the bres said, then rico said, "Let kieran decide, hes the one who she set up."
then kieran said, "since ur a bitch rochelle, its only fair u get to fuck a dog."
then he looked at the pitbull in sherice's arms, sherice let it go and said, "its it mating season and it hasnt fucked in a year, what du u think were gnna let it do to u"
i just vomited, i just vomited at the idea that they were so sick in da head. Rico walked over to me and turned me over in a doggy style position, my head so dazed from his punch that i couldnt stop him and then i felt something being rubbed on my pussy, like meat.
(the following section of was removed by Blogspot due to extreme explicit content which some members of the general public may find disturbing.)
I vomited again as they pulled it out of me, it barked bare as they all laughed. i wanted them just to kill me, they couldnt do any worse to me, "just do it," i sobbed, "just kill me."
"laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayta sket!" jermaine said, "u dnt tell us what to do, we tell u," then he laughed, "u always liked doggy style didnt u, now u gt the real fing." then all of them kicked me in the head, they stamped on my stomach and i felt a bottle smash on my nose, my nose bled as i felt the bones in my nose shatter, the pain knocked me out half way and as i was half unconcious i could see and feel kieran kickin my pussy and sherice and some ova guys cutting my hair, "no," i tried to cry, but they ignored me and one of them farted in my face. the smell kncked me out.
i woke up in a bush, being looked at by some old man, "Are u ok dear?", he said.
i cried, "where am i?"
"you're in epping forest dear."
The old man called the ambulance and they took me to the hospital, i heard the nurses say i was lucky to be alive and that "they're going to put her in surgery for nose" and they cleaned the blood off of me and dressed me in the hospital clothes because i couldnt walk. i fell asleep and then a few hours later the doctor came in and sat at the bottom of my bed and said, "we've fixed your nose which we was severly broken and weve stitched up your anus as it was severly torn apart almost as if it were done by an animal, who did this to you?"
i sobbed and told him everything, some time later, the police came and i told them everything, i gave them sherices number, jermaine's number and kierans number cs they were the only ones i had then i asked who my next of kin was and i gave them daniels number.
then they left me, it got to midnight and i was the only person in the ward awake, one of the old ladies was snoring and the other girl was deaf so it was kl when my phone rang, it was daniel.
Daniel: Babe, them people are dead, when i get dem, theyre gonna fackin pay- already rounded up some of my goons to deal wiv dem.
Me: Baby, i was so scared, they did some dirty shit to me.
Daniel: the police told me, listen- u sure it was SSK yeah?
Me: Yeah they had the hoodies, it was sherice, that guy kieran, his boy jermaine and some guy called Rico too, the guy rico set me up.
Daniel: shit, nah nah- nobody fucks up my chelle and gets away wiv it, nah brav, nah brav, never dat.
Me: i need you here,im so scared.
Daniel: all of ssk are at a shoobz now, one of my boys jus told me cos hes dere now, he said theyre braggin about it.
Me: well call the police, tell them that they're der, dont try fight dem it aint worth it.
Daniel: but i aint no snitch, i deal wiv shit myself, uno dat.
Me: but then when will it end, call da police.
Daniel: alrite kl, ill drive up to the hospital 2mrw yh, then we'll stay at my friends yard in milton keynes, hes never there and i got the key, well stay dere till everyfins bless in brixton, yeah?
Me: i love u, i swear ill never fuck anuva guy but u again.
Daniel: as soon as them pussy'os who did dis 2 u are locked up, ill put a ring on ur finger, make u Mrs. RoseHart.
Me: Is that ur surname?
Daniel: Yeah, dont fuckin laugh.
Me: No no, its beautiful.
Daniel: Yeah, yeah it is.
Labels: kieran, milton keynes, revenge, rosehart, sherice, the set up
I arrived safely in England! Also..the English gentleman, David...
0 comments Posted by eightq at 2:25 PM
Greetings from the southeastern coast of England!
Guest post from Oscar Nicholson, who runs a film production company, but whose professional life began in biochemistry and is a subject off never completing a Masters in Intellectual Property Law. Creative Commons may be one more reason he’ll never finish his Masters.
Innovation is not its own reward. Like musos of the present, the Cro Magnon man drumming a beat on the skin of a cave ostrich drawn taught between the ribcage of a sabre-toothed orangutan also performed for tribal esteem and the promise of poon tang. Without reward, innovators are less inclined to share their ideas or go to the trouble of realizing them. Without reward, the human propensity for innovation alone might only now have us tentatively climbing down from the trees.
Every development in the framework supporting intellectual property has been driven by new commercial and social forces arising out of historical epochs. Cultures continually seek ways to encourage creativity by protecting creator’s work and income. The file sharing nirvana of the internet is now provoking a massive paradigm shift in the dynamics and economy of creativity. To look forward, we need to look back...
3000 BC
The shekel, a unit of currency and weight, replaces bartering and gift economy as the first known system of money in Assyria with the advent of the Bronze Age
3200 BC
Marks are used by tradesmen to identify their work in Mesopotamia and Assyria, the first known instance of individuals establishing authorship over work. Connect the history bullet points; the first introduction of a monetary system coincides with the first use of marks. The sell-out artist is born.
50 BC
Roman sword-makers use trademarks to identify their product for export to customers throughout the expansive Roman empire.
Johannes Gutenburg builds the first movable type printer, accelerating the dissemination of knowledge. The Renaissance proliferated in print and the subsequent Scientific Revolution got to a cracking start with the widespread publication of Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in 1543.
Exclusive rights to a process for manufacturing coloured glass are granted by the Catholic Church to John Ulytman. A monopoly on stained glass supply to the cathedrals of Europe made him a very wealthy man.
Venice passes a patent statute, building on the craftsmens guilds’ guidelines, establishing creativity as a commodity protected by the state and instituting fundamental tenets of present patent rights. Already a powerful trading state, the statute attracted foreign investment and development to Venice. Some guy called Galileo files a few patents
The propagation of printing brings widespread unauthorized reprinting of works, leading the Kingdom of Great Britain to pass the Statute of Anne, the first copyright law.
Western nations sign the Paris Treaty, the first unilateral agreement for harmonizing intellectual property rights internationally. It is now one of the most widely adopted international treaties, presently administered by the WIPO, an agency of the U.N.
Alan Turing demonstrates the first working mechanical computer, humbly named the “Turing Machine”, by validating algorithms still theoretical at the time. The following year George Stibitz built the first electronic computer utilizing relay controlled binary circuits capable of arithmetic. In the same year, Claude Shannon’s seminal MIT Masters thesis A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits heralds the Information Age. The first generation of computer geeks involuntarily chortle in utero.
IBM commercially releases the first floppy disk, enabling transfer and propagation of digital information. Phallocentric humour ensue.
The Xerox Alto is released, the first PC available commercially. Although only 1000 were sold, both Apple and Windows based systems subsequently derived from what was the first desktop with a mouse, graphical user interface and network capabilities.
ASCII pr0n, pornography illustrated with 98 text characters, is distributed over the fledgling internet by those impatient for the bandwidth to handle images of real porn with women not made of hashes with zeroes for nipples. This is believed to be some of the first online file sharing for recreational purposes.
After development of the internet in the 60's by the US military and refinement thereafter by the education community, the World Wide Web becomes widely, publicly and easily accessible with Netscape‘s release of the first commercial web browser.
With the popularity of Navigator, Netscape releases the SSL encryption protocol to secure transfer of data, preventing tampering and eavesdropping. As SSL was free, it is believed development was funded by online porn entrepreneurs.
Napster brings file sharing to the masses. Having founded their careers on outlaw appeal, Dr Dre and Metallica now turn to the law to stop piracy of their music. Will the ironies never end?
Lawrence Lessig, a law professor at Stanford University and a prominent figure in the free software movement, founds Creative Commons. Dissatisfied with rigid “all rights reserved” copyright laws, he devises a system of licenses for authors to define the rights in their works that they reserve and waive.
All of us infringe copyright simply by using a computer, every installed program or opened web browser copies information to a computer. You are infringing Julian’s proprietary copyright just by reading his blog. IP laws have either had to adapt, which they tend to do slowly due to corporate interests, or turn a blind eye to these innumerable infringements.
Lawrence Lessig‘s book Free Culture criticizes outdated IP laws and the political influence of corporate interests, where profits take precedence over a free exchange of ideas. Lawrence Lessig unsuccessfully challenged the constitutional validity of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (I’m serious, being married to Cher is akin to joining the dark side), a statute allowing the extension of copyright protection for works falling under old copyright law. Disney was a strong opponent to the repeal of this statute, as their early groundbreaking animation would now be public domain otherwise. Uncle Walt would do backflips in his grave if anyone mashed up Steamboat Willy with gangsta rap.
Its pretty obvious by now that vehemently maintaining copyright only benefits lawyers. Record companies made a fatal mistake wasting money on file-sharing lawsuits when they should have bought Napster and developed models for online music sales. A mash up of Steamboat Willy would bring the outmoded Disney icon into the 21st century for free. Sesame Street’s Bert & Ernie rock even harder since they started rapping in this mash up.
It is also increasingly apparent that embracing free culture is a profitable business model. Radiohead released In Rainbows online independently of a record company. They may have been inspired by the pre-Assyrian gift economy; fans made whatever donation they thought appropriate for the album. In a market where music piracy is rife, Radiohead permit users to download an album for 10 cents and they predominantly pay full album price! Trent Reznor releases Ghosts with a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license and tops Amazon’s album sales for 2008.
Some corporations are already embracing aspects of the free culture movement, probably without even knowing it. The marketing potential for user generated content has not gone unnoticed by savvy online strategists. Doritos received 2000 submissions to their You Make It, We Play It competition, that’s a lot of free content bearing their brand. But nowhere in the terms and conditions or competition rules does it mention permissions for use of the Doritos trademark protected by Trademarks Law, Copyright Law, Section 53 of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 and the common law of Passing Off. So Doritos are inviting users to infringe their IP and then turn a blind eye to it?
Should corporations be more flexible by Creative Commons licensing some of their IP, giving users free reign to mash up content and getting free branding in the bargain? Online goodwill is increasingly important to corporate public relations and as the social media folks reading this will better articulate, conversation is preferable to simply being spoken to like a self-important buffoon. Despite recently getting on the Hulu bandwagon, Disney has copped a lot of flak for being a copyright curmudgeon. They could have turned that public scrutiny into love by being a little more generous with their IP. The Disney corporation may have created and distributed content, but its public enthusiasm that made it a cultural phenomenon.
There is still considerable debate about the changes forced upon intellectual property laws and enforcement. Andrew Keen is a vociferous proponent of traditional IP and critic of the cultural damage caused by widespread online IP infringements resulting from what he describes as the “Cult of the Amateur”. He calls Lawrence Lessig an "intellectual property communist", although unfortunately not while being interviewed on The Colbert Report:-
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Andrew Keen | |||| | ||||
Have I missed any milestones in the history of creative dynamics? Can anyone suggest ways of compromising existing IP with the free culture movement? Does anyone have any interesting anecdotes regarding IP or Creative Commons?