Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ana Velho, primeira tatuadora do Brasil na convenção de Santos
0 comments Posted by eightq at 7:54 PMAna Velho, primeira tatuadora do Brasil, participará da 1ª TattooGirls, convenção de tatuagens realizada em Santos dedicada às tatuadoras de todo o Brasil.
A tatuadora dirigiu a primeira loja de tattoo moderna na capital carioca. A loja foi aberta em 1980 e situava estratégicamente a galeria da rua Visconde de Pirajá. Ana Velho escreve assim, seu nome na história da tatuagem brasileira. Para conhecerem a tatuadora e seus trabalhos, visite a 1ª TattooGirls. Se tiverem mais informações sobre Ana Velho, por favor, deixem comentários.
Labels: Convenções
Monday, March 30, 2009
Game Plan for Institutional Dysfunction. Lessons learnt from watching The Wire
0 comments Posted by eightq at 11:17 PMSocial Media Evangelists have to not only educate but also have a strategy in place for institutional dysfunction.
I have been watching The Wire, David Simon has created a cracking drama, he has breached on a really interesting theme in the series called, ‘Institutional Dysfunction’. I define it as all the bureaucracy problems that are faced within organizations, these are mainly caused because the goals of the individual and organization are not always aligned. He demonstrates that this happens both within the ‘Baltimore Police Force’ and the illegal Drug Syndicate.
In terms of Social Media Marketing, I think that there a number of people within companies that understand what they need to do in terms of social media marketing but because of Institutional Dysfunction they are not able to implement these activities.
With this in mind, You have got to take your hat of to BigPond for the pace that they got to market with their Twitter account @bigpondteam.
I think the job of the evangelist/agent driving social media change within an organization, is to not only educating a company but also have a game plan of how they are going to deal with institutional dysfunction in making sure that a company embracing social media becomes more than just an idea.
Alright we got real deep just then, I promise fluff pieces for the rest of the week.
De 3 à 14 de Junho o estúdio Iritsu Tattoo Shop receberá o tatuador "Sabado", proprietário do Eccentric Tattoo. Uma grande oportunidade para os fãs brasileiros agendarem um horário para fazerem suas tattoos e conferirem de perto o trabalho de Sabado.
Para agendar seu horário
Endereço: Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 520, Pinheiros - SP
Telefone: 55 11 38912553
E-mail: tattoo@iritsupiercer.com
Para conhecer mais trabalhos do tatuador japonês Sabado, visite o site do estúdio.
Labels: Carpas, Dragões, Flor de Lótus, Fotos de Tattoos, Orientais, Tatuadores(as)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Labels: Body Paintings Festival
Autorizaria seu filho menor de idade a tatuar-se, se ele tivesse entre 16 e 18 anos?
0 comments Posted by eightq at 10:13 PMChegamos ao fim de nossa oitava enquete onde questionamos se os leitores autorizariam seus filhos menores de a idade a tatuarem-se, caso eles tivessem entre 16 e 18 anos.
Somaram-se 2951 votos, para respostas de Sim ou Não. Confira o resultado da enquete e deixe um comentário com sua opinião:
Autorizaria seu filho menor de idade a tatuar-se, se ele tivesse entre 16 e 18 anos?
Sim: 2264 votos (76%)
Não: 687 votos (23%)
Na próxima enquete, saberemos o que não pode faltar em uma convenção de tatuagem. Participe!
Labels: Enquete
A cidade de Santos, berço da tatuagem brasileira, sediará a primeira convenção de tatuagem brasileira dedicada às tatuadoras, a 1ª TattooGirls. A idéia do evento é apresentar ao mercado e público brasileiro, o talento das tatuadoras de nosso país. Anna Idza e Danielle Perrone já são presenças garantidas na convenção que pretende reunir grandes tatuadoras de todo o Brasil.
Observações importantes
1. Homens também podem participar do evento, entretanto o estande do tatuador deve haver uma quantidade equivalente ou superior de tatuadoras.
2. Serão destinadas duas categorias aos tatuadores: Melhor Pinup e Mulher Brasileira (criada em homenagem à convenção).
3. Stands de vendas não terão número restrito de tatuadores ou tatuadoras.
Palestras e Workshop
- Palestras de Biossegurança, Prevenção de DST´s, Como reconhecer o cancer de pele e Como administrar estúdios de tatuagem.
- Workshop de desenho com Alexandre Dallier.
Necessário inscrição antecipada para o workshop e paletras.
Art Fusion, mostra de curta metragem, palestras, workshops, área multimídia, exposições de fotos, shows, DJs, sorteio de tatuagens e o “Pinup Express”, espaço para as visitantes da convenção receberem maquiagem e produção de cabelo gratuitamente.
- Melhor decoração de estande
- Melhor série de desenhos
- Concurso de tatuagens (criadas por tatuadoras participantes)
- Concurso de Melhores Pinups e Mulher Brasileira (criadas por tatuadores participantes)
Outras informações
Data: 16, 17 e 19 de Julho de 2009
Horário: das 14 às 23 Horas
Local: Clube Regatas Saldanha da Gama, Av. Alm Saldanha Gama, número 44, Ponta da Praia - Santos, SP
Entrada: R$ 10,00 Menores de 16 anos acompanhados pelos pais
Telefones: (13) 32221128 - (13) 78053272 NEXTEL 85*3887
Fax:(13) 33021124
Preço do estande: Stand simples - 3x2 R$ 850,00 reservas
E-mails: eventos@rcmdecarvalho.com.br / credenciamento@rcmdecarvalho
Organização: Mallu Santos
Realização: RCM Eventos
Apoio: Tattoo Shopping, SA Tattoo
Site oficial: www.tattoogirls.com.br
Labels: Convenções
Fredson é natural de Salvador mas seu estúdio fredson tattoo art's localiza-se em Aracajú, Sergipe. Confira algumas tatuagens realizadas por Fredson.
Telefones:(79)3236-6297 / 3043-6164 - 8818-7180
E-mail: artistfredson@bol.com.br
Labels: Tatuadores(as)
Na quinta galeria dos desenhos de caveiras, publicamos doze caveiras que em comum têm as faixas em branco. Combine diversas fontes com as caveiras que mais gostar, no site dafont encontram-se criativas opções de fontes, da fonte Pepsi à Cold Night for Alligators que é bastante agressiva. Caveira com punhal, em chamas, com piercing, caveira Rockabilly ou com rosas são alguns exemplos das caveiras publicadas, todas vetorizadas e em preto. Use sua criatividade na escolha das cores para sua caveira. Boas referência também para iniciantes em aerografia.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Kieran is 4 months old now. He's a really curious guy (of course I think he's a genius, but even the doctor says he's smart) and is at a stage where he stares - at everyone. He stares at us and at his family members, but also at random strangers on the bus. One lady at Tim Hortons came up to me and told me that I should tell my son that staring is rude. Random. But this is Toronto! The other day two men in our elevator were having a conversation in Urdu and Kieran was just staring at them. Maybe he's picked up the language! It's cute. I'm totally in love with my son and his beautiful, blue, staring eyes.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Blunty3000/Nate (Australia's 3rd most subscribed Youtuber) has collaborated with the people at Toshiba, he is giving people the chance to win a new computer all they have do is tell Toshiba what song they should put in their latest commercial.
Why does this work?
- Low involvement to entering. All you have to do is suggest a song.
- Blunty3000 is all about technology and gaming so this is not a stretch for his audience or for him to talk about computers.
- Full disclosure is given that; Nate has teamed up with the people at Toshiba.
The whole thing is pretty similar to any promotion you would see running on television. What is interesting about it is that Australian Youtube Vloggers are starting to do paid forbranded promotions with full disclosure.
EDIT: My bad, after the jump on Nate Youtube description it states that this is not a paid for promotion. However, Nate would love to get a new Toshiba, and they would be mad not to give him a computer after what he has just done! IMO there is no drama here if money did exchange hands anyway.
On a side note, anyone know the agency involved?
We just got back from a great holiday in White Rock and Vancouver, British Columbia and then Drumheller, Alberta. It was cool to see the mountains and the ocean and the dinosaurs and hoo doos, but most of all it was cool to spend some time with great people - and to introduce them to Kieran. We got to spend time with 2 amazing women who have a huge influence on my life - Nana and Anita.
Nana is my grandmother (my mom's mom). She is an amazing woman of 85 who has spent her life praying, being kind to others, singing, leading... She is a great communicator who has always kept in touch with us and given us treats and been a big part of lives no matter the distance. We always knew when our phone lines were working again in Zimbabwe, because we would get a call from Nana. It was a delight to see her holding Kieran, and he did an amazing race of "almost" crawling, just to end up in her arms.
Anita is a beautiful friend who is a bit younger than Nana (!) but also spends her life praying, being kind to others, being an an extrordinary mom, leading The Salvation Army in Drumheller with her husband, cooking yummy food.... She is a joy to talk to and someone who really "gets" me. I am so thankful for her friendship.
Spending time with good people is refreshing. I recommend it. (Oh and do go out and see the mountains/ocean/dinosaurs/hoodoos - they're cool too).
Monday, March 23, 2009
I party farkin hard wif me mates, I got photos to prove it! WTF is Public Identity?
0 comments Posted by eightq at 11:35 PMDo your mates like to P-A-R-T-A-Y hard on the weekends? Do they get really munted or pass out drunk all the time?
Then you might need to submit the evidence to Skanked Weekly – Facebook Group. The group is ‘A weekly pictorial update of the worst of the worst. The trash of Melbourne seedy underground.’ This is a public group that ANYONE can join. Even your future employers.
It is always very entertaining viewing and I sometimes think about dobbing in my mates.
But I always come back to my mothers sage advice;
If Asher Moses took those photos and published it on the front of SMH would it still be LULZ-worthy?
Probs not, don’t want to embarrass my mates that much.
Last week, Over in Perf a small time blogger LoversandLobbers (a blog that captures clubbers who have taken too many pills or very public displays of affection) published some interesting shots of a nice gal giving a good servicing to a guy under the piano in a popular Perth nightclub.
Turns out via comments time, that the boy in photo was married and that girl is not wifey.
Photos became little Perf meme and turned up on NOVA website.
Guy in photos asks blogger to take them down,
Blogger tells him to get stuffed.
Public identity is in a little bit of a pickle at the moment. People are told to be careful what they publish online but in a number of cases it is actually a third party who can alter your identity via publishing/tagging you in incriminating photos.
New problems for the youf of Australia?
What is your advice to iGens knowing that Amateur Paparazzi are out every Saturday night but all they want to do is feel ‘real’ via ecstasy, munch their jaws off for 6 hours and then get intimate with 'new friend' at club?