Thursday, February 19, 2009

Need to sit down and work this shit out!?!??!?!

Asher Moses (Journaliste for tha SMH) is lurking ma blogs and publishing my posts in the fo real Media, gotta be careful!
Don’t want my mum reading in The Age tha bad news about Youtubers doing dodgies, need to set the record straight!
Don’t want to say stupid shit anymoar!

Adspace-Pioneers is now a news source for the worlds!

Time to tackle the big questions on this blog!

Should there be laws/rules for Vloggers around cash for comment? What should they entail?

Alright guys, Moses and I need your help working this one out.

Look at the Top 12 Most Subscribed Australian Youtubers

Who are they moar like

Demetri Martin


John Laws?

Another one;

Who are they moar like?

My Dads ex-bro Rene Rivkin (My dad loved your newsletter)


My bros Hilltop Hoods

Please guys answer, Moses and I need answers, the worlds need to solve this problem quick!

On Wednesday, I will tally votes and give you guys the ANSWER to what the rules should be around cash for comment with Vloggers. Moses might publish it in Thursday SMH Media and Marketing sections.

This post is dedicated in the memory of the late Carles pre-Hacksterbro



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