Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Everyone knows I'm madly in love with my husband, so I will resist the urge to make this a mushy post about my undying love for John. I will also resist the urge to bemoan our lack of chocolate this holiday. I know some is on the way...

This morning I was reflecting back on our first valentines as a couple. It was a Sunday, and so we planned to meet for a romantic brunch before church. Unfortunately, I was so caught up in what outfit to wear to this momentous occasion (forgive me - it was our FIRST valentines!) that I arrived an hour late. So we went to McDonald's. It's not the most glamorous, but I can still taste those hash-browns! I did bake John chocolate chip cookies in the shapes of the letters of his name that year. That won me some bonus points!

I was joking with men in the combi last night about not forgetting Valentine's. It's not really a practised holiday here, but people who have satellite t.v. know about it from South African commercials. The men said that since this is a leap year, it's the women's turn to take care of their men rather than the other way around. I'd never heard of this tradition! Sounds like a scam... :) I know a lot of people hate Valentine's and get depressed at this holiday, but hey... just try to spread some love today!



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