Monday, April 30, 2007

Fallen hero?

Three universities (Edinburgh, Massachussetts and Michigan State) are considering revoking their honourary doctorate of law degrees from President Mugabe. These degrees were conferred upon the president in 1984, 1986 and 1990, respectively, and in light of recent state repression and violence, torture of opposition members, etc. there are campaigns to revoke his degrees. But there is some controversy. Some feel that it’s an easy out – that our President was carrying out atrocities and state violence (i.e. against the Ndebele people; his own citizens) even in those years – and that he’s no different now than he was then.

It’s generally agreed on that he was viewed by the international community as a darling and a hero when he led the country to independence in 1980. So, when did he change? Or did he change? 27 years is a long time to be a country’s head of state... It seems that absolute power corrupts – I think that’s inevitable. But does power corrupt innocence and heroism, or does it just find the inherent evil or cruelty that is a possibility in each of us?

As a kid, I had a phase where I wanted to be the Prime Minister of Canada. I had visions of leading the country to a new heights with good, moral, ethical leadership. I don’t have that desire anymore. Power can be scary… I think it’s a real challenge for people in any leadership position to make sure that the power bestowed upon them is kept in check.



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