Monday, March 12, 2007

Salvation Army fags

Part of John's job here is to create a website for The Salvation Army. It's a challenge though because we don't have internet access at work! (when we came, they said, "oh soon - maybe next week!" Hmmmm). Another part of John's job here is to produce The Salvation Army's quarterly magazine. The magazine is called "The Salvationist" and he is doing an amazing job with it. Before he came, there was quite a series on rabbit-rearing, but John is trying to keep things a little more snappy. The latest Salvationist came out last week and looked amazing. But then someone started asking about the "fags." It would seem that the printing company made some sort of technical error that removed many of the i's and l's throughout the publication. There were over 100 spelling mistakes, and every time he talked about the Salvation Army flag (a powerful metaphor here), it read the Salvation Army fag. Zimbabwe has a way of keeping you humble.



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