Sunday, December 17, 2006

That's it then. The noose is being tied up ready to drop around the necks of the English cricket team.

I tried to be more positive about the Ashes, I really hoped that the English team would stand up and be counted. I think they performed well in this, the third test.

I just think that luck had a major part in this (soon to be) defeat. We had none. The boys all seemed to be up for this one. Too late really, the Ashes were won in the second test.
England should have won the second test to add pressure to the Aussies. I think at one all before the third, the pressure on the old guard that is Australia would have shown.
It didn't and I am left contemplating what might have been..Along with millions of Brits, we have to go to work tired now, and also Ashes-less.
It's funny how you can cope with tiredness when there is hope.
Now there is no hope.

No hope of me staying up 'til 5am anymore, I have to earn a living and get working. No more passing out on my laptop at 2pm.
The love affair is over..until the next test..then, it will be for fun, not mine thought.
So I am left contemplating one thing, what sports are we better than Australia at? First to spring to mind is Football, the last time we played the Aussies , we lost 3-1. Then I look to rugby, yes we won 'that match' but since then...

I am leaving this tell me..



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