Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Greetings from Harare!

Hello Canada (and elsewhere...)

Greetings from Harare! We arrived safely and feel like we've been here
a while. We've attended a wedding and gone to church for a whole day.
Today was our first day of work. We're both at The Salvation Army's
Territorial Headquarters. I have discovered that I'm the extension
training officer (more to come on that!) and John is in the literature

We've settled into our little home, boiling water, and greeting our
new pets (Mom - you don't want to know!) We have met so many new
people, and everyone has been generous and kind.

We're having some communication problems, and don't think we'll be
able to access gmail for a while. My new e-mail (as of today) is:

We're not actually able to even see our blogsite right now, so
hopefully this message will get up, just so that you can know we are
alive and well.

We're actually living in Africa - I can't believe it! So many new
experiences. More later.. (I only have a couple of minutes!) We miss



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